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a/n: wow. 30,000 reads. the absolute outpouring of love that has been given to me for noel over the last year's worth of hiatus has made me feel so incredibly guilty for withholding this chapter from you all. the truth is, there's no magical excuse that makes me keeping this chapter from you for so long okay. it was ready to be posted the same day as 3x11 was. but i felt guilty for not having any manips made, so i didn't post, and before i knew it i had let it sit for so long that i forgot this story and the people that love it even existed.

but here it is, finally, the season 3a finale, that's been waiting to be posted for over a year now. there are no edits in it to speak of, which i'm still sorry for (you would think i'd've made at least one in thirteen months, but that's sadly not the case) but i feel like that's a very minor thing at this point.

thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the love and support and theories and opinions. they truly have kept me going whenever i happen to see them, and i hope this long awaited season 3a conclusion does not disappoint.

all the love,

Most of the beginning of the episode is dedicated to the main three, trying to find the nemeton and save their parents. We see each of them have a scene where they realize an important event in their lives (all pertaining to the night Scott was bitten) happened at or close to the nemeton. They all resurface as the opening credits play.

After the credits, the main three learn that they were in the baths for sixteen hours, and that the moon rises in four. We then go to the loft, and see Derek taking a drink of water that's being held up to his lips. It's being given to him by Cora, and when his eyes open, he says almost like he doesn't believe it that she's okay.

With a smile, Cora says "I'm doing much better than you are right now. And all because of you and-"

Derek cuts her off, asking "Noel. Noel, where's Noel?" He looks panicked, but Peter says calmly "He passed out, he's sleeping. He'll be fine once he gets his strength back. Expelling Laura took more energy out of him than it took for you to lose your status, surprisingly."

Derek strains his hearing and we hear the faint (but steady) heartbeat of Noel, in the living room, which is just a few steps away. Derek stands on shaking legs, Cora telling him to sit down and give himself time to heal. He ignores her, walking unsteadily into the next room over and seeing Noel, passed out on the couch with his lips slightly parted and his breathing even.

Derek sighs in relief, kneeling beside him and taking hold of his hand. He leans down and presses a kiss to Noel's forehead, and rests his nose gently against it as Peter comments "I hope all that sacrifice wasn't for nothing. The moon is rising, Derek. You've drained your battery all the way to the red and there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours. We both will," he says as he pulls back from Noel, but doesn't leave his side or let go of his hand.

"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have," he says coldly as we go back to the others at the clinic.

In a later scene, Ethan tells Derek that he knows about the lunar eclipse and that Kali and Aiden are coming for Derek. Derek stands before him, as do Peter, Cora, and Noel, the latter leaning just slightly on Peter for support. Peter says that Ethan's explanation is enough, and Derek asks if Peter's suggesting he run.

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