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The season finale starts with Kira waking up in her cell still in Mexico. She is still surrounded by bones, and as she looks out her cell door, she realizes it's unlocked. She exits, looking around La Iglesia before eventually running into Scott, who has been turned completely into a berserker.

She only knows it's him after she sees his tattoo and Kate calls him off.

Kate launches into a long winded rant about how she ended up the way that she is, and why she can control/create berserkers. She eventually mentions Scott's true alpha status, and how she wants to be the one orchestrating Scott's first kill. Scott draws a dagger, and stabs Kira as the intro plays.

The sheriff kicks off the episode by telling Stiles firmly that he will not be going to Mexico, as Stiles insists that he will. The sheriff argues that even if Deaton is right, the best course of action is to call law enforcement agencies and border patrol to go locate Kira and Scott.

Stiles isn't convinced, standing his ground as he promises "It's not like I'm going alone either, okay, you know Noel wouldn't let me do this by myself. And where Noel goes Derek goes, and where I go Malia goes, we've got all kinds of reinforcements."

The sheriff reminds Stiles that he can keep him from going, but Stiles says "You can't keep Noel from going. And you can't keep him from finding a way to take me."

"I can throw you both in a cell," the sheriff threatens, Stiles retaliating "We'd still find a way."

The sheriff begs for a bit of time to get his hands on a more concrete lead than Valak's vision, promising Stiles that he'll do everything in his power to get more information and that he'll book two flights for them to go to Mexico if he doesn't find anything.

Stiles asks if he gets a gun, in that case, the sheriff pausing before definitively shaking his head with a surprised "no" as we cut to Braeden and Derek.

"I still don't like relying on these things," Derek says in reference to the table full of guns in front of them.

Braeden assures him that she gets it, and that she would miss her power too if she was in his situation. Derek corrects her, stating "It's not about power, it's about being able to help. I don't like feeling helpless."

"I'm human. Do I look helpless?" Braeden asks, loading a clip into her gun. Derek looks at her, laughing and shaking his head.

"Well, you're a much better shot than me. But... I also don't like not being able to feel him," Derek says, looking down at the guns again.

"Who, Scott?" Braeden asks, Derek denying "I was never able to feel Scott. It's Noel."

"I thought you told him your bond was still strong," Braeden tries to clarify, as Derek says "It was, when he asked. He hasn't asked in a while. I can only assume he feels the same thing I do, or the lack thereof."

Braeden doesn't say anything, so to fill the silence, Derek says "I guess it'll be easier this way."

When Braeden realizes what he's saying, she asks "Do you really think you won't be coming back?"

"Not alive," he confirms, as Braeden steps over to him and scolds "You know I'm not okay with that. I'm not allowing it, I'm bringing you both straight here and back into each other's arms, that's where you're supposed to be."

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