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After Erica brings Jackson to the train depot, Noel is there waiting with the other betas, sitting by Derek. Jackson is confused at first until he sees him, asking "Noel, what the hell is happening, tell them to let go of me."

Before Noel can speak, Derek says "They don't answer to Noel. They answer to me."

Jackson looks confused, and Noel looks guilty, sitting with Derek and fidgeting with a bottle of water. "What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asks Jackson, not looking up at him. Jackson says aggressively "What? Nothing. Nothing happened."

After finally making eye contact, Derek says "You're lying." He pulls on a leather glove, Jackson saying "Wait, wait, I can prove it. Noel knows, he was there that night, weren't you, Noel?"

"Nice try. He was with me on the full moon, where he was supposed to be. You, on the other hand, don't have an alibi," Derek says, Noel looking between his cousin and his alpha. Jackson looks a little scared before saying "No, I videotaped myself. On the full moon, while Lahey was curled up in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big bad alpha ass promised me. What did I get?! Nothing. You want proof? Let me get the video. Noel, tell them. You saw it, you came in my room, tell him!"

The last comment is said very angrily, with Jackson's teeth clenched and his eyes wild. Noel shrinks back a bit in fear, stuttering for a reply. Derek puts a hand on his shoulder, silencing him instantly, before saying "No... No, I have a better idea."

Derek holds up the jagged fragment of mirror, Jackson begging Derek not to do it. He keeps begging angrily "Noel, tell them, for the love of God tell them! Tell them where I was, tell them you saw the video camera, tell them!"

Noel just shrinks further and further away from Jackson as he yells, covering his ears. As Derek stops in front of his face, he says "You know, Jackson... You've always been kind of a snake. And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom."

Derek lets the drop of kanima venom fall into Jackson's mouth, and as Jackson starts gagging and choking, Noel looks more and more uncomfortable. He looks over as Jackson goes silent, paralyzed completely as well.

Derek approaches Jackson again and stoops down in front of him. Admitting defeat, he says "You're still a snake, Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for."

With that Derek walks away, grazing Noel's shoulder as he walks past him. Isaac gets down in front of Jackson, saying "You're still gonna have to do one more thing for us. Well, actually, for me."


Noel sits beside Isaac in class. He is with Stiles and Scott as they walk out of class after the intro. It seems the rift between them has been tied back together, at least somewhat. He doesn't say anything as he walks off with them past Jackson and Danny.

While Erica and Isaac talk about killing "the bitch", Isaac asks "Why isn't Noel doing this again?"

"Because he's our closest ticket to Jackson if we ever need him again, plus he's Derek's errand boy. Can't have anybody going around shooting our messenger, can we?"

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