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a/n: noel, i created you exactly two years ago today. to celebrate that, lets finally get up the hardest episode i've ever had to write.

The episode opens with a shot of a man with a bloody hand pulling his truck into the parking lot of a motel, showing the date March 5th, 1977 on a newspaper.

The man enters his room, number 217, and inspects an injury on his side in the mirror (an animal bite, presumably that of a werewolf). He opens the curtains and sees that it's a full moon, loading a bullet into a rifle and shooting himself in the head as his eyes glow beta gold.

Present day, the school bus with everyone on board pulls into the same motel, called the Glen Capri. Scott says that he's seen worse motels in his life, trying to be optimistic. Stiles asks where, Noel saying unhelpfully "The shoddiest motels usually have the best free breakfasts."

"What's with you and the word 'shoddy', and when was the last time you stayed in a hotel with less than four stars?" Stiles asks him as we hear the coach blow his whistle, telling all the kids that the meet was pushed to tomorrow and that this was the only place he could find to house them all so last minute.

The students pair themselves off, as per Coach's directions and as Scott and Stiles walk by and take a key, Noel asks if he can crash with them in their room.

"Why?" Stiles asks, Noel saying almost fearfully "Because if not, the only person left is Hailey. And she hates my guts."

To prove his point, a dainty looking girl walks past holding her key and she slams her shoulder into Noel from behind as she does. Scott and Stiles watch her go, and Scott says without turning to look at Noel "We get the beds."

"Done and done," Noel says, fixing his bag on his shoulder and smiling gratefully.

Lydia tells Allison that she doesn't like this place, Allison suggesting that the owners probably don't like it either but reassures her that it's just for one night.

"A lot can happen in one night," Lydia says as the credits roll.

3x06 features a mid-season credits change. Up to this point, Noel has been shown in the opening credits between Tyler/Derek and Holland/Lydia. 3x06 marks the first use of an opening credits scene in which Noel is shown between Dylan/Stiles and Tyler/Derek, bumping him up one place in the succession.

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