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Noel is first seen at school walking down the hall with Scott and Stiles. He listens to them talk and, as usual, doesn't contribute much. Even after all they've been through, he still feels like he is intruding on their friendship even though the two of them seem to always drag him into things nowadays (including their friendship) instead of him putting himself in.

He is getting things out of his locker next to Stiles as the two discuss how good things are between Scott and Allison, laughing when appropriate. When the chain falls out of Stiles' locker, Noel has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. Noel watches as the coach walks over and then walks away, helping Stiles gather up the chain as Scott's eyes start to glow.

When Scott says there's another werewolf in the locker room, Noel tenses. He already knows about Isaac, and is under specific orders from Derek not to mention it to Scott and Stiles yet. He tries to act as nonchalant as possible.

Noel sits on the bench with Scott and Stiles and looks around, pretending he has no idea who the werewolf on the team is. When Stiles gets up and walks away, Noel says "Are there any specific scents you're picking up on him? Something like a cologne, or shampoo, maybe paints if he's artsy or chemicals if he likes science? Anything we can use to help us place him?" Scott shakes his head, saying "It just sort of jumped out at me. I'm not catching much of it now, but it's here. Pretty distinct werewolf smell."

Stiles is then shown crossing in front of Matt and Jackson and they have their conversation.

Noel is just as confused as Scott when Stiles tells him he'll be playing goalie at practice that day, and when Stiles says that's his plan, he finally catches on. He stands in the lineup behind Isaac, and when the boy's breathing becomes labored, Noel puts a hand on his shoulder. This causes Isaac's growling to quiet, but not stop. Stiles notices Noel's hand before he notices Isaac panting, and looks confused until he recognizes why Isaac is panting like that in the first place.

 Stiles notices Noel's hand before he notices Isaac panting, and looks confused until he recognizes why Isaac is panting like that in the first place

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Noel stands there in total silence as Scott and Stiles discuss putting Isaac in the holding cell in police custody on the full moon. As he watches them take Isaac away and Isaac looks back, he shoots him a sympathetic yet encouraging smile.

In chemistry, Noel is not sitting with Scott and Stiles. He actually isn't in class at all. Scott asks "Why would Derek choose Isaac?" to which Stiles replies "Better question, why would Derek choose Isaac, tell Noel, and then Noel doesn't tell us."

"What makes you think Noel knew?" Scott asks, and Stiles explains, "On the field, before Isaac did his drill with you, he was breathing hard. I could basically hear him growling, it wasn't subtle at all, so Noel had to have heard it too. The proper response to a werewolf growling is to shy away, but Noel put his freaking hand on Isaac's shoulder. He was trying to calm him down."

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