S4E05 "I.E.D."

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To open the episode, we see a blonde girl running to the school and hiding by the busses with her hand cut off. Violet is in hot pursuit, as the girl hides in the bus and repeats the "sun moon truth" mantra to herself. Shortly after, she escapes, only to be intercepted by Garrett who then kills her.


Stiles goes over all the previous victims in a voiceover, as Scott tells the sheriff about the deadpool. Stiles and Noel stand by as well, as Scott explains that they only have the part of the pool that Lydia was able to decode.

The sheriff asks what the numbers next to the names are, Stiles assuring that they'll be getting to that. He makes sure his dad knows that the code was cracked using a key, Scott supplying that the key was 'Allison.'

"Her name gave us a third of the list, so we have to assume there are two others that haven't been found yet that'll give us the other two lists," Noel explains, adding "One of those will probably have mine and Malia's names on it, Lydia's been at the lake house trying to crack it all weekend."

The sheriff looks at the list of names and asks about the two unaccounted for names, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town, and Scott reminds the sheriff that the nemeton has been attracting supernatural creatures like Deaton said it would.

The sheriff points out that the population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000, but that the whole of Beacon County is more like 500,000. He takes a second to process, asking just how many werewolves, banshees, kitsunes, and whatever the hell else are out there.

He also suggests that maybe the next deadpool list will reveal 100 names instead of just twelve, but the boys quickly explain that because of the numbers, there has to be a limit. Noel points out that the numbers should add up to 117 million, writing an 'M' or a 'K' after each number to show that person's value.

"Someone stole 117 million dollars from the Hale vault, and now they're using it to murder every supernatural in Beacon Hills," Stiles summarizes, as the sheriff gets a clearer picture before asking how the new assassin knew DeMarco (the keg deliverer) would be at the lake house.

Scott explains that everyone around town knows him as the guy that sells kegs to teenagers for extra cash, the sheriff looking unamused as he turns his attention back to the deadpool.

"So, whoever ordered that keg killed DeMarco," he confirms, Stiles adding that it had to have been a student who was at the party.

Kira awkwardly lets the deadpool business slip to her dad after Garrett and Violet discuss going for kills in the millions later that night, and we're in the weight room with Liam and Mason.

They discuss Liam's strange new behavior as of late, and we cut to Liam in the locker room looking for his lacrosse stick. Derek suddenly emerges from the shadows, lacrosse stick in hand, asking Liam casually "Is this yours?"

Without waiting for an answer, he snaps the stick in half, tossing the pieces onto either side of Liam as the beta's eyes glow gold. Liam lunges for him and Derek easily picks him up, holding him by the neck as the boy continues to growl. He finally stops at the sound of his name, as Scott and Noel walk in looking worried.

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