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a/n: in comparison to other episodes, this one will be brief in my writing style. that's simply the nature of this episode, and you can expect to see more from upcoming episodes. but not the immediate next one. sorry!

The episode begins with the sheriff dropping Stiles off at Eichen House, hoping his son will benefit from some psychiatric help. As father and son stand at the gates, Scott rides up on his motorbike, with Noel riding along as well. They both step off the bike, Scott asking "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this," the sheriff admits, as Stiles assures them that it's just gonna be a 72 hour stay.

"Stiles, this is the place that Barrow came from," Noel says pleadingly, Scott agreeing "Yeah, the same guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies." He then turns to the sheriff, insisting "You don't know everything yet."

"I know enough," the sheriff argues, listing "Nogitsunes, kitsunes, oni or whatever they're called."

"No, that's actually all surprisingly correct," Stiles compliments, as the sheriff tells Scott that Stiles' MRI looked exactly like his late wife's and that that terrifies him. He then reveals that he'll be going to Los Angeles the following day to consult a specialist, and Noel asks "So why are you leaving Stiles here? Take him to mine and Lydia's, he'll be just as safe there, maybe even safer."

"He's not leaving me here," Stiles says, admitting "It's my decision."

"We can't help you if you're in here," Scott reminds him, as Stiles points out "And I can't hurt you."

Scott continues to try and convince him, saying "Deaton's got some ideas, Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something, and if we can't..." He trails off, Stiles supplying "If you can't, then you guys have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out."

Scott and Noel watch in silent shock as the sheriff and Stiles enter the gate, and then they look at each other. After a few beats, Scott says softly "We have to find something."

Trying to be comforting, Noel pats Scott's shoulder, assuring him "I know. We will." as we enter Eichen House.

After Stiles' check-in scene, the credits roll.

When we come back, it's to Chris Argent still in custody and speaking over the phone while Deaton, Scott, Allison, and Noel are at the clinic. He is present but doesn't speak, so in summary, Deaton has found a lead in the form of an ancient Japanese artifact called a Shugendō scroll that holds the directions to exorcise a nogitsune. The scroll was last in the hands of a man named Kincaid, and Allison thinks she may know where to find the scroll.

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