S4E02 "117"

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We open to a flashback at the school after a basketball game, teenage Derek alone in the shower struggling to control his shift with his blue eyes shining. Teenage Peter enters and turns the water off in the shower, picking his nephew up by the shirt as Derek insists that he thought he could control it.

"All this risk just for a basketball game," Peter says in disbelief, as Derek insists that his team needs him because it's the finals. He pushes past Peter, who asks "They need you to do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court?"

Derek kicks the lockers and breathes heavily as Peter reminds him that even born wolves need to learn how to control themselves during a full moon.

"Yeah, but it's supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt like this?!" Derek hisses out, Peter reapproaching and asking his nephew if he brought 'it.'

"It's not working," Derek complains, but Peter asks again if he brought it. Derek reaches into his pocket, pulling out a palm-sized medallion emblazoned with a triskele.

"Go ahead," Peter says, as Derek argues "I told you, it's not working."

"Do it!" Peter pushes anyway, as Derek recites "alpha, beta, omega" over and over again until he loses himself and roars.

Back in the presumed present or the nearby past, at a gas station, a worker knocks on the door of his restroom as Kate struggles inside to hold her shift. She subsequently kills him when he lets himself in the bathroom, and the credits play.

At the clinic in the confirmed present, without hesitation, Noel carries a sleeping Derek inside by himself and lays him gently on Deaton's operating table.

Deaton takes a look at Derek as he sleeps, unable to say anything but 'wow.' Stiles asks what kind of wow it is, Deaton telling them he doesn't immediately know what's happened to Derek.

Noel lets his eyes gaze over Derek's body, taking hold of his hand and wincing. "Deaton, do you have another blanket he can use? He feels really cold. Like, alarmingly cold."

Deaton doesn't answer, Noel keeping hold of Derek's hand as he presses his lips to it and Deaton begins his examination. Scott asks if he thinks it's permanent, Deaton admitting he doesn't know if he can even give a diagnosis to form a prognosis.

"This is well beyond my experience," Deaton tells them, as Stiles asks what they should do with him.

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me, he'll be safe here."

"Safe from Kate?" Noel asks as he tries to breathe some warmth into Derek's fingers, Deaton saying "If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate."

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia asks as she looks at Derek's face, his eyebrows laced with concern even in his sleep. Deaton shrugs, offering "Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her."

"And really bad for everyone else," Stiles says with finality, as Deaton suggests that the four of them should go home. Instantly, Noel shakes his head and lays a hand softly on Derek's cheek, saying as his thumb traces over his forehead "I'm staying with him. If anything happens, I need to be the first to know."

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