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We open to a shot of a car being doused in gasoline with Parrish's hands zip tied to the wheel as a fellow deputy (Haigh) sets the car ablaze. We hear Parrish's screams as we go to the station, where Lydia and Stiles are talking to the sheriff about Lydia's grandma faking her death.

They theorize that she's working with the benefactor, or is them, as Haigh inquires about payment on his laptop.

As he types, Parrish walks into the department, naked and covered in ash. He scuffles with Haigh, beating him mercilessly as the laptop displays "KILL NOT CONFIRMED" and the intro rolls.

After the intro, some of the pack is at the loft, where Derek stands inspecting Parrish's hands. Parrish's eyes dart to Lydia, Noel, and Scott, who all give him reassuring looks, and Derek finally asks "He covered you in gasoline?"

Parrish nods as Derek lets his hands go, and Lydia asks "It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead?"

"Well, they should be gone," Derek argues, as Parrish says "I was set on fire, all of me should be gone."

"Not if you're like us," Scott says, and when Parrish questions the statement, Noel says "Probably not totally like us. We couldn't survive that."

"Then what is he?" Lydia asks, and Derek apologizes as he admits he has no idea.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira," Scott points out, as Derek concedes "This is a little out of my experience. There may be something in the bestiary, did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is," Scott admits, and Parrish asks what the bestiary is. He then amends that that isn't even his first question, adding "Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

Scott casts a glance at Derek, who repeats "Psychic?" Parrish confirms, as Scott tells him that that's not exactly it. Noel chimes in, offering "I could have been considered one, at one point. I think. But now, yeah, not exactly."

"What exactly are you then?" Parrish asks, as Scott looks to Derek. Derek gives him a permissive nod, as Scott allows his eyes to glow.

The sheriff and Stiles share a scene at the hospital as the sheriff preps for surgery before we return to the loft.

"What's a kanima?" Parrish asks immediately, and Noel puts a hand over his eyes and says "Never... Nevermind. We'll get back to that. What's important is that everyone with a supernatural ability like us is essentially being hunted for sport and is on that deadpool."

"But I don't even know what I am," Parrish says, Derek piping in that he's pretty sure they don't care. Parrish asks how many professional assassins they're talking about, Lydia supposing that they're starting to lose count.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asks, Parrish agreeing that Haigh has never tried anything like this before.

"That means anyone with the deadpool can take a chance," Derek realizes, leading Parrish to wonder aloud who else has access to the deadpool and how easy it is to get now.

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