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Noel's first appearance is by mention. During the scene where the sheriff is going over the guidelines of Jackson's restraining order, he mentions that Scott and Stiles aren't allowed to speak to Jackson. Stiles asks hesitantly "Well, can we have Noel be our sort of messenger pigeon or...?"

Before he can fully get the sentence out, David Whittemore and the sheriff both say "No!" in unison. David continues, saying "You're lucky we're not filing a restraining order against you two for him as well. If he hadn't insisted against it, trust me, we would have."

Stiles and Scott look defeated as the scene continues with Stiles asking more questions.

As both of the boys talk with their parents and Scott gets his punishment, Melissa tells Scott he isn't allowed to see Stiles. Stiles is understandably shocked by this, repeating "No Stiles?"

"No Stiles!" Melissa reiterates, turning back to Scott and crossing her arms. "And no Noel," she says sternly, this time Scott asking in shock "No Noel?"

She gives him a look and nods, saying a bit softer "No. Noel." From there on, the conversation is unchanged.

After Scott and Melissa have their talk and the camera pans to Jackson, Noel is sitting beside him, sound asleep leaned up against the wall behind him.

In the next scene at the train depot, Derek and Isaac are talking about how Derek needs help from Scott and Stiles. Isaac asks why, and Derek responds "Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know for sure who it is."

"Noel told you it was Jackson," Isaac reminds him, but Derek shakes his head. "Noel's working through some problems right now, and I can't just take his word as law. He's confused, what with having to toe either side of the line between me and Scott."

"Would you be so easy on us if our loyalty was split down the middle?" Erica asks, joining the two boys.

Derek shoots her a glare, saying "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

Erica smirks and backs down without another word, asking "You said you needed someone on their good side? I can do that. Which one, Scott, or Stiles?"

"Either," Derek says, and the scene continues with no more mentions of Noel.

The next day at school in the library, Noel walks in with Allison. "Don't look at the camera," she says to him, Noel nodding as she turns away from it and goes into the section across from Scott and Stiles. She hands the tablet with the translated bestiary across to the boys, saying "That's everything Lydia could translate. And trust me, she was very confused."

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott asks, Allison saying embarrassedly "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles says, Noel having to cover his mouth to keep from letting out a laugh. Allison elbows him, saying "Oh. Great."


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NOEL WHITTEMOREWhere stories live. Discover now