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Noel's first appearance of the episode is through a mention, as Scott picks up Stiles after his first sighting of the kanima. Their conversation is just like it is in canon, but after Stiles mentions how seeing the kanima's eyes was like seeing a friend's eyes when they're wearing a Halloween mask, Scott says "Well, we have another friend who may look like they're wearing a freaky Halloween mask soon."

"Yeah, Boyd, I know, Derek got to him didn't he?" Stiles asks, looking over at Scott. Scott sighs, shifting his hands on the wheel, not looking at Stiles. Stiles looks confused, asking "Wait, what do you mean, who else did he turn?"

Fade into the next scene, the training montage.

The scene starts not with Isaac, but with Noel. His approach is a lot less impressive and graceful, and instead of hurling him to the ground, Derek catches Noel and shoves him away while he's still on his feet.

"You're done, all you're doing with this is hurting yourself and making my arms tired," Derek says to him, and Noel gives Derek a look before going and sitting by Boyd. Isaac then takes over after briefly bumping shoulders with Noel.

When Isaac and Erica both fail to take Derek down, Derek asks "Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" Erica jumps into his arms and kisses him, and instead of Derek briefly returning the kiss and shoving her off casually as he does in the show, as soon as their lips make contact, he throws her off and wipes his mouth almost dramatically. Noel, meanwhile, is being held back by Boyd, and he looks ready to murder Erica. Derek glares down at her and says "That's the last time you try that."

"Why? Cause I'm a beta?" she asks, and Derek responds "No. Because my beta boyfriend is sitting a few feet away looking like he wants to kill you. And because I have someone else in mind for you."

Erica looks slightly confused before she turns and looks at Noel, standing there with Boyd's arm around him, his eyes yellow and his smile very passive aggressive.

"Are we done?" Isaac asks to change the subject, following with "I've got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal." He rubs his wrist to alleviate some pain, and Derek fakes sympathy before bending down and grabbing Isaac's arm.

"Right here?" Derek asks, Isaac nodding and falling for the act. All the betas do, even Noel, who looks a bit shocked and content with his boyfriend's behavior. But of course, Derek holds Isaac's arm for a second before snapping it in half, saying "A hundred and one. You think I'm teaching you how to fight?"

Boyd and Noel are shown looking shocked, Boyd's hand curling tighter around Noel's shoulder in discomfort and fear

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Boyd and Noel are shown looking shocked, Boyd's hand curling tighter around Noel's shoulder in discomfort and fear. Noel doesn't acknowledge it, knowing that his fear is warranted.

NOEL WHITTEMOREWhere stories live. Discover now