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In the first scene of the episode, two kids are chasing fireflies in the woods. The boy separates from his sister and goes off to catch a bug on his own, and as he loses the bug he was attempting to catch, he sees Boyd on a fallen tree a few yards away from him.

Boyd moves closer to the boy, who screams and runs, his sister calling out for him. They reunite and the boy tells his sister to run, and they take off running until they find shelter in a tool shed.

"He's gonna get inside," the boy cries, his sister telling him to shut up. Boyd stalks the perimeter of the shed, seeing them inside and pulling it up and over their heads. He throws the walls of the shed aside and roars, the children inside crying in fear.

Suddenly the fireflies the girl had caught earlier escape the jar she put them in and distract Boyd. When he gets the fireflies away, the kids are gone, and he roars in frustration.

"You lost him?" Derek asks as he suddenly appears onscreen, Scott saying "I kinda had to."

"That wasn't exactly the plan," Derek says patronizingly, Scott saying "I know, that's why I think we should have all stuck together. He's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We gotta do this together."

Derek sighs and gives Scott his location, saying "I'll call Noel and tell him to meet us here."

"He's with me," Scott says, and then he says "We have to go drop something off first." The camera pans to show the girl from earlier clinging to Scott's arm, while the boy clings to Noel's and his sister.
The credits roll.

The credits roll

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After the brief scene in Lydia's room, we're back in the woods with the boys. Scott, Derek, and Noel run through the woods in search of Cora or Boyd (whoever they see first).

They come across a few footprints, Scott asking if they belong to Cora and Boyd. "We're not the only ones that decided to stick together," Derek confirms.

"Is that gonna complicate things or make them simpler?" Noel asks, looking down at the prints in the mud.

"I don't know," Derek replies, as Scott stands and gets Derek's attention. "I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they gonna do that to everyone they find?"

"Everyone and anyone," Derek says, walking past the two of them to continue searching. Noel looks at Scott in almost defeat, but there's still a strange bit of hope in the way he squares his shoulders.

"He can't hurt anyone if we find him first. Neither can she," Noel assures him, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing before he walks off after Derek.

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