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The episode starts with a flashback, to a teenager (who we know to be a younger version of Derek) running through the preserve while being pursued by hunters.

Another werewolf runs up to him and asks if he's a Hale, but before Derek can respond, a hunter shoots the werewolf through the throat with an arrow. The same hunter shoots an arrow at Derek, but Peter runs in and catches it before it can do any damage, and after a few shots of running, we see Peter holding onto Derek in a dark root cellar and hiding as Cora's voice says "They were there for two days. Waiting, and hiding. That's what we're taught to do when hunters find us. Hide, and heal."

"Okay, so is two days standard then, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?" Stiles asks, standing beside Noel as the two listen to Cora. Cora turns to face them, asking "Why do you care?"

Noel opens his mouth to reply, but she says "I know why you care. I meant Stiles."

Stiles replies "Because over the last few weeks, my best friends tried to kill themselves, Scott's boss nearly got ritually sacrificed, a girl I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed, Boyd was killed by alphas, do you want me to keep going? Cause I can. For like an hour."

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks, Stiles shooting back "Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it

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"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks, Stiles shooting back "Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it."

"I don't know if he can. It feels like there's something... Different about him now," Noel says, stepping closer to the table Cora has herself leaned against. The two make eye contact, Noel quickly looking away as soon as they do. Cora does the same.

"Noel's right, more right than he knows, actually. Derek wasn't like this when I knew him," she says, Stiles asking her what Derek was like. She looks to Noel, saying to Stiles without putting her eyes on him "Werewolf exclusive intel. Sorry."

Stiles makes an expression of disbelief, doubting that that's a true statement. Cora doesn't let up, however, now looking at him and repeating "Hale pack business only, Stiles. You have to leave."

"I'm just as much a part of the Hale pack as Noel is!" Stiles argues, Noel turning to face him and casually letting his eyes glow gold. He then pulls the back of his shirt up, finally showing the Hale triskele tattooed on his back in the show as opposed to just being in the credits.

Stiles stares at the tattoo with his mouth slightly open, asking "Since when have you had that?"

Noel puts his shirt back down and smiles, saying "Sometime during the whole kanima thing. I'd give you a specific date, but it's kinda Hale pack business only."

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