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a/n: like the previous episode, scenes that don't have anything to do with noel will be skipped. see the episode itself for plot details. also, enjoy two episodes in one week as an apology for going so long between updates!!

After the opening scenes of the 1940s flashback and Void's meeting with Mr. Yukimura, Scott and Kira are looking at photos of who Kira assumes to be her grandmother that look just like her. Scott points out how it feels like everything about their current situation links back to her family, and Kira gets a phone call from her dad.

Suddenly Scott and Kira are at the school, with Noel in tow. Scott ended up asking him to meet them at the school, since it was likely this had something to do with the nogitsune.

When the trio enters the room, Noshiko asks if Kira brought what she asked for, and Kira hands over a vial. "You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms," she asks, but quiets at a look from her mother. Yukimura coughs up a napkinful of black sludge with a great deal of effort, and Noel jumps in to help steady him and stand him up beside his desk.

"Stiles did this?" Scott asks remorsefully, Noshiko explaining that he wanted her last tail but she had kept it safe with her since his disappearance.

"Mom, you need to talk to us," Kira begs, "about everything."

Scott pulls out the photo he and Kira said was her grandma, Noshiko taking it and asking them where they got it. Kira asks if it's her grandma, but Noshiko corrects that it's her.

A 1940s sequence plays, then Scott points out that if that's Noshiko in the picture, she must be 90 years old. "Depending on when she was born," Noel points out, adding "not that I'm asking of course."

"I'm closer to 900," Noshiko says with a smile, Kira looking shocked before saying "Yeah. Sure. Why not. Dad, how old are you?"

Her dad gives her a look, saying "43. But I've been told I look mid-30s."

Kira gives a nervous laugh, handing her mother a sword. Noshiko explains that the last time it was used it shattered, back in 1943 against a nogitsune.

"All of this, it's all happened before, hasn't it?" Scott asks, as Noshiko confirms and Yukimura quotes "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

"But where did it come from?" Noel asks, and Noshiko begins to tell her story of a WW2 internment camp in Oak Creek. Scott points out that Yukimura had told Allison and Isaac there was no internment camp in Oak Creek, but he retaliates that the Argents have a history of violence and he didn't know if he could trust them.

"There was a camp, but all records were erased. They covered it up," Noshiko says bitterly, as Yukimura explains that the Oak Creek internment camp was his obsession as a grad student, and that's how he met Kira's mother.

Kira asks as she takes one of her father's photos "So where did the nogitsune come from?" and her mother asks in return "Isn't it obvious? It came from me."

A 1940s sequence, and Noshiko tries putting the pieces of the sword back together. She asks Kira for help, pointing out how little time they have. Kira refuses to help until she's told everything, Noel moving to argue but she cuts him off.

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