how you meet(part 1)

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Cloud(time takes place during FF7)

You're a murc working in the slums that was tasked with a mission to take care of a large rat problem with the watch-guard. Being an Independent stubborn baddie that you are you head out on your own despite what people say not to. You handled most of the rats with your (weapon of choice). "Y/N! Be careful. If Barret sees you with one scratch on your (Hair color) head, your toast" One of the members yelled out "I'll be fine" you yelled back as you ventured deeper fighting harder beast as you go on. As you were taking care of the last couple rats you heard a deep snarl. You turned just in time to dodge its attack. 'It was one of Shinra's killer dogs' you said in your head.You raised your eyebrow and readied your weapon. It lunged at you with full force but before you could strike it down a blond haired individual strikes it down and killed it with one blow. You sighed and prepared to leave " wait" he spoke. You turned around to look at him "yes?" you respond "You wouldn't have to be (Y/N) right" he asked "Ya. What is it to you? Did my old man send you" you asked as you placed your hand on your hips "You can say that" he answered. You scoff " i guess i should be going. I don't want to make him upset. I'll be seeing you cloud" you respond "How do you know my name" he asked. You smirked and pulled down your shades as your (eye color) glows to (your favorite color) "your eyes tell me your story.i guess you can say reading people is my specialty" you respond as you put back on your shades. "Wanna walk home with me" you asked him. He paused for a moment "Sure" he replied.

Reno(takes place between Crisis core and FF7)

You were fairly new to being a turk only being hired last week. You don't socialize often and the closest person you're comfortable talking to is your shadow being that follows you everywhere

You don't know where it came from but it was just there in the corner of your room as a child so you basically grew up with it. You are on your break so you thought about chilling at your brother's offices to eat your lunch as he happens to be a turk as well. Then the door bust and here entered a red head "Yo! Tsung is there a mission yet ?I'm bored as heck over here" he called out. You strained your suit

out and was preparing to leave "wait there just a minute who are you" he asked "(Y/n , L/N)" you answered. He smirked mischievously "Names Reno. you must be the newbie. I didn't know you were such a cutie" he flirts. You blushed lightly and rolled your eyes "Be careful reno. That's Tsung sister you're talking to so i would tread lightly" Rude spoke up as he entered the door. "Ohhhh. So you're his little sis he has in his photos." he asked. You nod and sit back down on the couch. He got a call on his phone . He stayed silent for a bit and hung up " aww man I was just getting to know the new girl" he sighed "well see you around hot shot" he concluded as he left the room with Rude following behind.

Sephiroth(before crisis core)

You are a 3rd class SOLDER and was well known for your excellent skills In combat with and without The use of weapons. Often compared to being a first class but you're fairly new.The only reason you got here was because you were mistaken as a man during the first part of your training. Though you were 3rd class ,your existence didn't go unnoticed by a certain individual. Now you were walking down the hallway to a training room and you end up bumping into someone."oh sorry I wasn't looking" you apologies "It's fine" a voice answered. You looked up to see a man with long silver hair.You recognise him being the hero sephiroth and got up quickly and saluted awkwardly and stubbled to the training room as he can only stare in curiosity.

Genesis(during crisis core)

You were a scientist well more like an assistant to hojo. You never liked the guy and the only reason why you were his assistant is because you're just as smart as he is most likely smarter even. You knew things not even he has heard of. Mimir is what the staff called you sometimes. Right now you're just walking around the science department double checking everything and making sure that the staff is alright as well. You wouldn't want anyone to be stressed or overworked. Then suddenly an alarm went off and a man came down from the ceiling. You help other staff get out of there but copies block the exit. The staff are all coward behind you as the copies draw their weapons at us. You used the ice materia in your pockets to freeze the copies temporarily. you ushered the people out of there. As the people left the ice started to melt. You flead the other direction but you bumped into an individual. You looked up at the figure and you can tell he's degrading. "Y/N,LN...You'll be needed" He mumbled as he hits your neck with his sword making you black out.

Angeal(before crisis core)

You grew up in wall market so you had to deal with don cornelos overrule of the place and you growing with a trashy family doesn't make things better for you. One day you ran away ,again ,to the plate trying to find yourself a living . As you walked around you saw a job position as an assistant at shinra for a soldier. They pay you really well so you applied and applied for an interview tomorrow. As you were heading back home some random guys started hitting on you. You maneuver around the place trying to lose them from your tail but somehow they are at every corner. Your now stuck in a ally and had enough "you have been following me all night will you give it a rest" you said calmly "but come on baby. Don't you want to have a good time" one of them said "I said buzz off" you replied but they came closer. You prepared to defend yourself but a man jumped down in front of you and hold out his sword "you heard the lady. Now scram" he said which scared them off. You sighed " I should apologise. This wasn't your task to handle" you spoke "it's fine just glad you're not hurt" he replied. You nod and took your leave " wouldn't happen to be Y/N L/N" he asked "yes I am. Are you the first class Solder that needed a hand to balance paperwork for the company" you asked "you have a keen eye. My name is Angeal Hewley" he introduced "may i walk you home. It's getting late" he asked "sure. At least my walks home is a little bit safer" you replied. He walks you home and said your goodbyes.

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