What type of Yandere would they be( part 2)

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-a low key yandere

-definitely a mipulater and know everything about you

-he definitely gives you lots of freedoms but if you do try to run away he knows how to find you

-anybody flirting with you are quickly dispose of

-knows his limits with you but will push those boundaries if necessary to have you all to himself

-if things don't go to plan he would kidnap you and make people think you were killed or suidside

-would never hurt you physically but, although he doesn't want to, does leave emotional scarring due him being manipulative


-delusional af

-second place for the most clingy person in this whole entire scenario/headcannon story

-he refuses not to be around you and will make a bunch of excuses to hang out

-low key is a good liar

-treat you like royalty

-hates when other people get your attention

-he wouldn't kidnap you but would definitely stock you around

-he wouldn't dare to lay a finger on you nor hurt you mentaly

-----------------------Kadaj yazoo and loz------------------------------------------

-lord have mercy

-you and anybody involved are not safe once so ever

- they will kidnap you whenever they get the chance and will make it world wide that you're there's

- 100000000% do punishments which can hurt you

- definitely scare you emotionally and physically

-the only places you're allowed to go to is anywhere around the house/apartment that they are staying in

-they are the whole yandere package

-They can be very forceful

-#1 most clingy people

- good luck running from them they will track you down

-there's always like two of them with you 


-mostlikely confused over his feelings

- he wants you to himself but he knows it's wrong

-doesn't know what to do

- the best stocker on this list

-at first he would avoid you to see if his feelings go away but it failed him

-he wouldn't kill a person but he almost did once and never again

- he would almost lose control more often when you're around other people but he would learn to adapt to it even though he hates it

- honestly he wouldn't do much as he doesn't want to scare you

-he's too quiet to be suspected of anything though

- he would be more touchy or be more open about his feelings towards you and would be more direct about it.


-lord have mercy 2.0

-the only people you could hang out with is anyone that Weiss chooses

-possessive and controlling

- he will and can hurt you but he wouldn't kill you

-you're his soft spot and that's most likely the only plus side

-he doesn't have to be manipulative and prefers not to be with you

- he's a dominated person and will make it known to you

-he would make you sit on his lap a lot

- he will kill anyone who tries to take you away from him even his own brother

-yandere deluxe edition

-just be happy that he doesn't kill your family.... Yet

- he will punish you but it wouldn't be as extreme as the remnants, surprisingly.

-you're allowed to leave the base but he has to be with you or you have to have a collar, choker or necklace with his name on it. He lets you chose and will make you chose.

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