When you are sick(part 1)

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(you have a little fever or a common cold. How would the ff7 cast react)

☁️Cloud ☁️

-definitely knows what he's doing

-he'll make sure you're taken care of and well fed

-he will offer you to take you to the doctor if you need it

-very nice to you when you are sick but does scold you a little

-dose make sure you don't get sick again in the future

-he will not hesitate to force feed you medicine

-he takes your illness very seriously

-as a ex-soldier he's most likely seen his fair share of deaths due illness and he doesn't want you to be one of them


-definitely tries to cheer you up

-he doesn't want his S/O to be sad while you're sick

-checks up on you often though phone

-the most protection he has on is sanitizer,mask and gloves when working with you

-he loves you but doesn't want to get sick too <3

♥️Sepheroth ♥️

-also takes your illness very seriously

-he would take you to a doctor even if you didn't want to nor need one

-he wasn't that worry but he's not taking his chances

-also would force feed you medicine if necessary

-or if he feels like it he would just trick you to take it

-he's very persuasive

-I think due to Jenova cells he has some resistance to common illnesses like cold so I think he would be around you more despite being sick.

-the only affection you get is him holding your hand for comfort

📕Genesis 📕

-you know how everyone acted during the beginning of lockdown/covid

-that's him

-he's not taking you to the doctor no he's taking you to the hospital or probably the ER

-no mistake he wouldn't freak out over a sneeze or too but when you were laying down with a ice pack over your head with extremely hot temperature for a normal person

-hospital no exceptions

-he experience degradation and due to this he'd probably pretty wary of illnesses

-his excuse would be that "You look like you were dying so i took the necessary precaution to insure your health and safety"

-"no, I don't care if it was just a cold you could've died"

-you're taking your meds.... No exceptions

-he would make sure you'd get your medicine even if it means drugging your food

🍎Angeal 🍎

-also would freak out if you were sick but not a genesis level freak out

-he would take days even months off of work just to take care of you

-he wants you to get better as soon as possible

-he takes your health seriously as his idolizes his S/O to be safe, happy,protected, and contempt and if he can't do any of those things it would make him feel like he failed as a boyfriend

-i also feel like he would make some of the best soups in here

-probably his mom's recipe

-i also think he would absolutely suffocate you with blankets and pillows

-you can't move around and hurt yourself if you all wrapped up like a burrito

👓Lazard 👓

-will absolutely take days of work off just to take care of you

-if he can't he calls you ever hour or so to make sure you are ok

-he's the type of person who tricks you to take your meds

-maybe not drugging your food but maybe would bribe you your favorite food or drink

-he does the thing were whatever you use when you were sick he separates from the regular thing you both use

-for example during you sick time you have separate cups and you will use the same cup you used(which would be cleaned) until you're not sick

-this is to prevent dishes piling up.

-i also feel like he make some good soups 

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