Halloween headcanons( part 2)

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🎃Tseng 🎃

-he decorated his office for halloween for you

-also a type of person who wouldn't care much

-he tries to finish up work quickly to spend the holiday with you

-couple costumes 100%

-he would go trick or treating with you


-loves halloween and will take every opportunity to spend the day with you

-he wants to spend halloween with the people he cares about even if it seems childish

-trick or treating, movies, haunted houses are On.The.Table.


-you guys will go all out for halloween and would be dubbed the scary house in a neighborhood

🎃Kadaj, yazoo and loz🎃

-will have no idea where to even begin with the subject

-all they know is that it's a day is when people scare each other

-you and loz are always the victim

-will try to do group costumes but all three always argue on who they want to dress up as

-after the first year they celebrate halloween they actually love the holiday

-after a long day you guys chill and watch horror films which would give loz nightmares, it doesn't matter if it's cheesy or legit a scary movie.


-low key loves halloween as it reminds him of good memories

-definitely couple costumes

-you both live and breathe halloween and it's just natural

-you guys make a effort on your costumes ,like CGI or Special effects makeup

-haunted houses and movies and a yes for vincent doesn't get scared by them

-if there was a haunted house where they split you two then he'll freak out but he hides it well


-doesn't give 2 f's about the halladay but if you care for it so much he'll indulge you

-the best that you can make him do is to wear a costume matching or not

-all the decorating you're doing by yourself, unless one of the others decides to help you

-he'll let you decorate his throne if you want to

-low key would make you go in a haunted house just for his own entertainment

-when work is over he would chill with you on a couch/bed and watch horror movies with you

-he'll probably like scream or Hellraiser

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