confections(part 2)

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Who confessed: Tseng 

You were visiting Tseng’s office as a friendly visit. He’s been distant and a bit distracted  so you assumed he’s turk work was piling up so you came to give him some snacks and treats to cheer him up. You knock at his door and entered to see Tsung writing out papers  and he automatically looks up to see you “Oh (N/N) i was gonna visit you after my work” he said as he looked back to writing “ I know but i came to visit you instead besides i brought you gifts” you replied holding up your gift basket. He smiles and nods. You laid on the couch after putting the basket on his desk. You laid there for hours so you took a look around and found a bunch of paper. You grabbed the paper and went to the mini glass table where you sat on your knees and you did origami. You made paper cranes and ninja stars. You were feeling a bit childish and you threw one at Tseng and turned around before he suspected a thing. He knows it’s you so he played along. You threw another but he caught it between his fingers and chuckled “I have more work than I anticipated so you mind waiting a bit longer” he said as he gets back to work. You pouted and played with your paper art. As you were zoned out in your little world you felt something hit your head. It wasn't hard but enough to get your attention. You looked around and picked up a small little paper heart which has the instructions to open it. You looked towards Tseng who didn't look phased at all. You open it and see a small paper (favorite flower) with a note. ‘Maybe we could go on those real dates’ it said. You recognise it to be Tseng’s writing. You smiled and looked up from the note to see Tseng standing above you holding a real (favorite flower) in hand “well shall we” he asked. You nod and accept the flower.


Who confessed: You 

To get to the point you’ve liked zack for a while and almost everybody knows. The people who know are Aerith, tifa ,cloud ,angeal, sephiroth, and genesis. Although you know they could keep a secret but you’ve never expected them to set you two up on a date. What happened was you, tifa, and aerith were having a girls day out and a break from the bar. All of you were at Aerith's place doing what most girls do. Then Zack texted you. You fell for their plan. Unknowing to you and zack; Aerith, tifa ,cloud ,angeal, sephiroth, and genesis planned something behind your backs just to get you too together. It just took some convincing….. And tying zack in a chair. With the boys, despite cloud’s protest, tied zack on to a chair as they begin to set him up on a date with you “LET ME GO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PHONE ANGEAL” zack shouted as he struggles from the ropes “oh huss we’re doing this for your own good” genesis sassed. Backed to the girls “You should texted him back” tifa suggested “I don’t know.” you replied a bit unsure “Just do it what if he confesses” Aerith said. You thought about it for a moment so you gave it a shot so you typed what’s up 

Zack:Nothing just wanted to talk to you 🙂 

                                                                you: Same acutely i want to say something
You took a deep breath. By this time zack got out of the ropes and snatched his phone back just in time to see this 

you:So.. i like you a lot and it’s something i have been hiding for a while. I don’t mind if you don’t feel the same but i just like you….  

 Zack's face became red as he just stared at the screen. That earned a slapped at the back of his head by angeal “You idiot answer fast or she might think you rejected her date request” genesis said 

Zack:So it’s a date then

 Cloud sighed , Sephiroth pinched the brigs of his nose, angeal just looked disappointed and Genesis inhales in frustration   “Out of all things to say- you know what .. give me that phone” genesis said as he reached for it and zack protested this as it was too late and a fight for a phone broke out.  With the girls “wow. I guess your set with your new bf” aerith chuckled “shut up at least he didn't reject me” you replied oblivious to the chaos  going on on the other side of the screen.

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