how they get your attention(part 1 and 2)

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Part 1 


I don’t think he would be a needy person but on rare occurrences he would feel a little bit touch starve so if you were working on a desk or something he would rest his head on your shoulder and if that doesn't make you respond he’ll just hug you tightly nothing to crazy. Just give him a head pat or a kiss and it would satisfy him for the time being 


This man would do random B.s to get you attention or straight up be extra in terms of greeting you or giving you his own affection but if you get mad he’ll apologize and after a few minutes he would go back to be extra clingy


I honestly don't know how he can’t get your attention. If you managed to ignore him he probably would either grab your attention by doing something physical or make you look at him so he can tease you for it. Some examples would be taking off his shirt in front of you, making you sit on his lap, or just whisper a complement or two in your ear or all of the above. He would mostly do that because he’s bored or wants to get a reaction from you 


He would have similar techniques to sephiroth but it would be more low key. I don’t think he would straight up take off his shirt but he would make you sit on his lap and lay his hand in your shirt and rest on your stomach while he’s reading Loveless. I also feel like he would give you little pepper kisses on your neck if he’s feeling it. 


Since you basically work for him he would make you take brakes and cut some of your work time away. If that doesn't work he would ask you if you can go somewhere with him or,as a last resort, just straight up carry you until then. This would occur rarely as he wouldn't be a super clingy or a needy person nor touch starved 

Part 2


He would straddle you on his lap. No matter if you're in his office or at his home you would straddle you on his lap if you get your attention. Sometimes if he feels like it he would rub your back with his cold hands or nuzzle your shoulder. He would not do that to you unless he’s really busy but he doesn't mind if you do it as it calms him. 


He is called Zack the puppy for a reason. He would just beg for your attention and wine about you being busy. Sometimes he would just hug you from behind and nuzzle your back or if you're laying on a bed or couch he would find that an opportunity to lay on you and cuddle your body. If you tell him or push him off he would pout and lay on you or just complan.

Kadaj , Yazoo, and Loz

Depending on which of the revenants wants your attention it could go down in many ways.
He would put away or destroy the thing or object that is distracting you and tackle you where you sit or stand and will not get off of you and act like a total gremlin 
He would take the more sexual route and/or make you fluster in anyway he can. Sometimes he would sit you on his lap and whisper in your ear while feeling you under your clothes until you asked him what he wanted. Other times he would just bite your neck and would not get off until he lives a mark.
Similar to zack he would beg for your attention or cuddle you and would not get off until you have your full attention on him, or his other brothers tell hilton stop whining. If they all want your attention you would get a whole mix of torment. Things like this happens frequently 

Vincent valentine  

He would just randomly hold you. I feel like he would be touch starved so he would do things like try to cuddle you, lay on your lap , hold your hand. Although he would love to have your attention he has his own bountrys and he respects yours so he would just leave you alone and find something to do or wait until you're done. 


There are many ways he would get your attention but he would only do it because he’s bored. Rarely would he pin you agent on the wall and would start a makeout session with you or ,Sometimes, would randomly ,if you happened to sit near or on him ,he would bite you and leave a mark. Most of the time he would just straight out say something to you like calling you over or just go near you and scare you by blowing your neck or just roughly grab your shoulders.

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