what your friendship was like (part 4)

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Awkward at first 

You two have your own meeting spot to chat sense she’s wutai after all

Got constant teasing from zack and reno 

Rude and Angeal acted like proud dads as you finally had friend who’s the same age 

Sephiroth ,Tsung, and genesis were mutual about it but were happy non the less

When your on your off days you offered to take yuffie around midgard and  got ice cream

Sometimes you two get spied on by either Zack reno or genesis when that happens 

When you two first meet vincent you both thought he was a vampire 

Yuffie was jealous of vincent as you bluntly said that he looked beautiful 

You and yuffie are together almost 24/7 even when you were not a solder anymore 


The definition of Introvert and extrovert

You mostly stay in your natural form around her alone and your human form when your around people 

Her mom knows about you and you different forms but you stay in your human form when your in her house 

You live with her and her mom as you have nowhere to go 

 You hide in Aerith’s room when the turks show up as you’re scared of shinra 

You got captured with aerith when the plate fell and were almost experimented by hojo 

You saved her from being killed by sephiroth 

You help her take care of the flowers and even help her make flower crowns she could sell. 


Hanging around her house often with her roomates 

Lots of tea and gossip 

Asking each other about family 

You’re more grounded which balances out her adventurous side 

You help on missions when you get the chance 

Surprising her with your excellent sword skills but you prefer not to use it to much

Questions about your back story from Cloud , wedge ,and biggs. They’re all pretty sus about you

You’re not the most open person but you try your best 


You provide assistance on his missions 

When you work in your office you enjoy chatting with him about random things 

Reno sometimes comes along with him 

He follows you almost everywhere and attends all of your meetings 

He may be on the job but you made sure he takes a break now and then 

Chill vibes 

Both of yall brough matching sunglasses just because there were on sale 

When you both are not working you mostly invite him to eat some where 

You both argue who gets to pay but it always end in a half-an-half split

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