how you meet (part 3

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Rufus Shinra(between crisis core and FF7)

It starts off quite simple. You were late. It was your first day working in a cafe you just got a job from. No your sprinting to the location. You apologized as soon as you entered but your boss was understanding and just told you to work at the counter for now. Like that you got back to work. The day went smoothly until this man came in in all white like he owns that color. He ordered a simple coffee with a decent amount of cream to go. While that was being prepared You  heard a glass break. Naturally You  turned around to see a barrel of a gun. “Now gurly come over the counter” he said. you did as told and walked around. He pulled you over and pointed the gun to your head “Yes you’ll do nicely” he mumbled. Before he could even take me away a bullet pierced his shoulder. He ended up letting me go and adding more to injury you kicked him in the balls making him fall some co-workers pulled you aside protectively as the man in white called the cops. He put his gun away and walked towards you “will you be alright mrs…” he asked “Y/N” you answered  he nodded. You shaky hold out his coffee “it’s on the house” you said “thank you” he answered as he took it and left. The cops came in and arrested the culprit and left. Everyone was dismissed early. You can’t help thinking of that man . you mentky hit yourself as you forgot to ask his name.

Barret( A few months before FF7)

You happened to be new to the avalanche and the only reason why you joined is that people from Shinra killed your husband. You were a scientist at shinra and worked alongside Hojo and you and him were working on what to do with the janova. That day you were going to tell your husband that you're pregnant with his first (son/daughter)but behind your back he ordered a couple SOLDERS to kidnap your husband for the experiment. He became unrecognizable and died in the process. Because of it you resigned and left shinra. In the meantime you found Avalanche, a eco terrorist group who’s against Shinra . you found a way to join and now a part of the avalanche. Due to your pregnancy you can’t go around and actually fight but you provide support in information. Back to present day you made your trip to seven heaven. The people there were nice to you so you go often. “Good evening mrs.(L/N) i see you doing well” Tifa said as she comes around the counter and pulls out a chair for me “You know you can call me (Y/N) tifa and just because I’m a month pregnant doesn't mean i get special treatment” you said as you sat down on the bar stools. Tifa smiles “I know but i’ll feel bad if i don't, besides you might need the help later in life” tifa replies giving me a small wink. You rolled your eyes and ordered (Fav non-alcoholic drink). As that was going on you felt someone bumping on your leg. You looked down to see a little girl with a pink dress and short brown hair. “ Didn't your friend cloud just come back and you two already hit it off. I'm surprised i didn't notice” you said to tifa. She looked at you confused then looked Over the counter to see the girl “oh you mean marlen. Ya she’s not mine she’s” tifa was interrupted by the door opening “Daddy” the girl called out and ran towards the door. You turned around to see a man with a cannon for a arm “hey princess have you been good to tifa today" the man asked his daughter as he picks her up with one arm. The girl nods "ya me and tifa were drawing and i wanted to show her and i met a pretty lady" she answered and she pointed to me. You waved "i see did you asked what's her name" he asked. She shook her head no so you took the chance to introduce yourself "I'm (Y/N), (L/N). Im new to the group" you spoke "Barret Wallace glad to see some new faces" he replied. You nod and looked at the time "i should get back to work. If you need some info I'll be in sector 5 slums mostly with the kids. Bye" your said as you took your leave.

Tifa(a few months before FF7)

You were homeless and struggling to survive your illness. You're family kicked you out because of there problems and you had no one to rely on. Now your walking to a alleyway and sat behind a dumpster clutching your tattered blanket tightly as you sneezed. Knowing you can't stay there for long you got up and weakly walked away. you passed a bar called seven heaven. You felt weak again so you sat down on the porch stairs. After a while a woman came down the stairs with a warm blanket and a drink. She handed them to you . you looked at her in shock "I'm Tifa. I saw you at the porch so I brought you something" she said "" you spoke raspy. You wrapped yourself in the new blanket and drinked the hot coco she gave you. "If you want you can stay with me" she said "oh… I can't. I don't want to be a burden to you" you mumbled softly.  "I insist. I want to help you get back on your feet" she said as she grabbed your skeletal hands and leads you to her apartment.  Finally a place you'll feel safe 

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