Vincent's Birthday headcanons

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(out of all ff7 characters he's my absolute favorite and i hope he's going to appear in the second part of the remake)

-low key he would think anyone would celebrate his birthday

-when his S/o gives him a birthday gift he would definitely be shocked

-if you're planning to take him out somewhere i would recommend taking him to somewhere quiet but he also wouldn't mind going to see some of your favorite places

-he doesn't want much but if he had a which it would be to see you at your best

- he would probably like red velvet, vanilla , white, or lemon cake.

-if you plan a surprise party for him he would love it despite that he's not into parties


-it would be challenging to find something for him being how most barely know what he likes or dislikes in terms of items

- clothing

-seriesly. As much as I love his edgy outfit I would guarantee you that's the only type of clothes he has in his closet. And his old turk suit

-some modern day technology

-he would be satisfied with a phone or a laptop

- flowers he would definitely have them taken care of in a vase

-like stated before it's hard to find something that he likes but he would accept and appreciate it.


Vincent was looking for his (s/o) all day. In fact it seems like everyone disappeared. Besides the citizens in midgar, there was no sight of anyone heck even aerith wasn't in the church. He decided to go to seven heaven to find anyone who could explain the situation and there in front of him was you. "(Y/N) where are the others" he asked which made you jump a little "Oh shoot i gotta go. By vincent" you replied as you dashed out of there, with a box, like a madlad. Vincent grew more confused but also concerned. He tried to speak with Cloud, tifa, heck he even tried talking with sephiroth but even they avoided him like the plague. Confused and defeated he headed back to your shared home. When he opened the door he was greeted by confetti and a cake "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the crowd yelled presenting gifted and drinks. He stood wide eyed and stuned "don't tell me you forgot your own birthday" you asked as you gave him your gift. "thank you" he said giving out a satisfied smile 

 "thank you" he said giving out a satisfied smile 

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