How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"(part 1)

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-If you want to see a flustered cloud this is the way to go

-he'll straight up melt

-he would replied back but vary hesitantly

-probably would be the few times you hear him stutter

-He would get embarrassed if you say it randomly in public

-but he would appreciate if you said I love you to him before a dangerous mission


-he would feel over the moon if you said that to him

-he would shower you with love and affection and call you every single cute/cheesy nickname in the book

-he would love it more if you said that when he had a bad day

-would have the biggest smile on his face all week


-shock, just shocked

-he really doesn't get many I love you's and would most likely would not know how to react

-at the same time it gives him a reality check which puts a smile on his face

-he would realized that he has someone who loves him and he has someone to love

-he would ask you to say it again just for that feeling as he is still new to affection

-he would smile at random times just because you said I love you to him


-low key wanted to be the one who tells you that first

-he would ask you why even though he knows the answer

-would become more flirtatious and more open after that

-he sees I love you as a new chapter to be opened or to get closer to each other

-like sephiroth it would give him a reality check

-the type of person who would asked his S/o if he said "I love you" today


-High key wanted to tell you that first

-would feel guilty he didn't say first because he thinks that it would make you think that he doesn't care for you or trust you

-when you do say it he would pull you into a light bear hug give you a kiss on the forehead and reply "I love you too"

-after that he would say I love you more then you and would low key argue with you over who loves who more

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