Aerith birthday headcanons

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-i feel like she would want a small party with her close friends and family 
-a small party or take her out somewhere 


-i know it sounds a bit odd but don't giver her flowers. It's predictable and she probably has seeds of them in storage somewhere
-i would recommend giving her a pet
-a pet would make her feel like a normal for the most  part 
-take her out somewhere as a date. Maybe not some fancy restaurant but maybe a festival 
-i also recommend giving her something that reminds her of you. Something meaningful like a pendent with your picture

You planned this day a week in advance. By chance you happen to hear that the golden saucer was coming around this time and you managed to snag the last 2 tickets. After you got dressed, and make sure you did the appropriate hygiene routine, you head over aerith's house to pick her up. Now she has no Idea you'll be taking her to the golden saucer out of all place so she was quite shocked when you came to her door all dressed up. "Wow what's with the get up. Looking sharp" she complained "i have a surprise for you. But you need to get dressed to be able to see it" you replied. Although she was excised to see the surprise she was also kinda confused. She trusts you and followed you and by her surprise you took her to the saucer. She wanted to try all the rides and activities taking full advantage of the opportunity you gave her. You both are sitting at a table in a restaurant having a full view of the starry skies and the beautiful light if the carnival. "Thank you for taking me out here" she said with a smile. You present her a small box wrapped nicely with a pink ribbon. Her eyes sparkled as you encouraged her to open it. There sits a small heart locket and when she opens it there was a picture her mom took of you and aerith wearing the flower crowns you made for each other. You end the night watching the fireworks show hand in hand as she wears her beautiful locket. 
"Happy birthday. Aerith♡"

(Happy birthday to mama ignus too 😌)

(Happy birthday to mama ignus too 😌)

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