What type of Yandere would they be(part 4)

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-like vincent she's a pretty good stocker

-views you as a god/goddess

-absolutely hates when people are around you

-clingy,impulsive, childish

-she wouldn't kill anyone

-definitely doesn't want to hurt you

-she could actually get away from being a yandere because of her already childish personality and her hyper nature. Most would brush it off as yuffie being yuffie

-She most likely have a hidden shrine for you


-her methods would be like tifa and yuffie combined

-she's not childish but she's moody and demanding

-she would want you all for herself with no exceptions

-if it means locking you up she will do that

-would make excuses for her actions like "i'm doing this to protect you"

-like zack she can be a delusional yandere

-honestly you wouldn't even know she's a yandere for she's a good lier

-she would love you unconditionally but would make sure she's the only person you see


-jealous of everyone

-wants all of your attention

-#1 cling boss

-if she doesn't like the person or situation she will drag you away

-will complain to you in private

-wouldn't hurt you but she would be a mental pain

-definitely try to control your decisions and drive your friends away

-1000% would make sure she's the only person in your life

-would be manipulative and is good with words because of her acting classes


-protective af

-honestly is one of the more chill yandere

-most-likely to openly admit you drive him crazy

-he really wouldn't do much to you or anyone as the only comfort for him is to know that your his and he is yours

-definitely makes a effort to make sure you two stay together and work out problems

-depending on the person he would feel more jealous than norm. 

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