Cid catch-up

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(requested by: kwylos

-How you meet

You've been mischievous since you were young and Cid happens to be your childhood friend before you moved away. It's been years since you last saw each other and may have forgotten about each other. Almost. One day as you're walking around you suddenly a building right above you collapses right above you. Before you were pummeled someone took you by the arm and you both ran to safety. "Wow I almost got squashed" you Laughed "No thank you for saving your life" your savour replied "Cid" you question you can hear an audible sigh "Well well look here. I never thought my troubles would lead me to find my childhood friend" you said "ya ya It's been awhile" he replied "now why the hell are you all the way over here didn't you read the signs" he asked "Ya but i had the option to ignore them" you respond making him groan "Well sense we're reconnected i guess I'll see you around" you add before taking your leave

-what your friendship was like

Grumpy just grumpy

Would use you as a personal vent

When he's not grumpy he would offer to show you his inventions and creations

Would take you to ride the airship

He's harsh but he means well

When you get hurt or are in trouble he would 100% help you out

He may just play it off as him seeing you in trouble but he would be low key worried about you

He seems like the type of person who would take you out to bars


Who confest : you

Cid had a peaceful day. Nothing that was bothering him and was peacefully working on upgrading the engine of the enterprise until you walts in the room "cid i think i like someone" you announced "then what are you doing here for" he asked "for advice" you replied "why don't you go to vincent he probably has more experience on that" Cid replied "do i look like i have a flashlight on hand besides you're my best friend you're supposed to help me" you replied and he grumbles "pleaseeeeee" you begged "fine" he replied as he still works on the engen "so do you prefer me to be more direct or subtle about it" you asked "Direct. You know you like him don't ya. So I say tell him as is and hope for the best" he replied "ok. I like you" you respond "I gave you advice not to use me as a test dummy" he said "No. I really like you. The person who i have a crush on is you" you explained. His eyes widened and when he went to look at you he hit his head on the ceiling. He winced and clutched his head and composed himself "I like you too" he replied "Ok see you at the bar around 7 sharp bye~" you said as you skipped out "wait HEY I NEVER AGREED TO THAT" he yelled but you're far gone "..see you at 7"

-how do they get your attention

Like shelke and vincent, he would make himself busy until you're free to hangout. Or he would just call out your name

-dating them includes-

Dealing with him being grumpy

He has a short temper and sometimes he would get mad at the smallest things.if you can manage to deal with that then you're golden

Good communication

He seems like the person who would like stable communication especially when he's fussy. If you can talk him out of his anger it would really brighten up his day or make him better

Helping with his projects

He seems like the person who's always working on something and making improvements on his airship so some help may be nice. Even if you are just passing him tools he would appreciate if you make his job easier

-First kiss

Who pulled the first move: you

You,cid, and a few others from Avalanche were on the airship having a small gathering. Cid was chatting with Vincent over something and you just looked around and happened to see Tifa,Aerith, and yuffie. You locked eyes with yuffie who waved to you to come over. You nod and give Cid a kiss on the lips before you head off. He face was as red as vincent's cape

-what happens when there jealous

Would happily and gladly tell the person to f-off

Creep, flirt, or he just happened to be jealous of the person doesn't matter

He would announce to the who world you're taken

-what type of yandere would they be

Low key would be delusional

100% would kidnap you and keep you on the airship with no way down

He would be sickly sweet but if you act up he would yell at you

He doesn't want to but if it mean you'll say with him

-halloween headcanons

You got permission to decorate the whole airship

Would make a attempt to make pumpkin pie

He hates haunted houses but would go in one for you

Movies are ok but he hates haunted doll movies with a passion

Loves the classics like halloween and texas chainsaw massacre

-how would they react when there S/o says "I love you"

Low key would turn red

He wouldn't expect it at all

The type of person who would ask you to say it again as he trips on something

Definitely would be smiling the whole time

Saying i love you to him would give him a sense of pride  

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