what your friendship was like (part 3)

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Rufus (he was hard to do)

He becomes a regular at your job just to get to know you

Teasing form your co-workers

Occasionally invites you to his headquarters 

Nobody knows your friends with him besides your trustworthy co-workers

You make him feel relax

Takes you out to lunch often 

Mostly communicate through calls and text senses he’s busy most of the time. 

Get occasional check ups from turks members 

Teaches you how to use a gun

Barret (also a bit challenging) 

Taking care of marlene when everyone is busy

Probably a couple dad jokes here and there 

Talk about past experiences from shinra 

Marlene calls you mom sometimes 

You two got eachothers backs when you need assistance or in trouble 

Takes care of you when tifa is away 

You help calm his temper 

He protects you when you’re out on missions 

He enjoys your company and compliments you when you help on missions or give intal 

When your away he non-stops talks about you and how great you are 

Cloud thought you two were married and you think Barret stopped working

Marlene wants that to happen though.

Barret would be your hype man in any situation 


You two work at the bar together 

You tifa and cloud were the equivalent of the three musketeers 

Tifa helps you grow stronger and even got you your own weapon 

You two live together 

Heals your wounds sense you’re kinda reckless when it comes to fighting

If you don’t see tifa and cloud you two are mostly together 

You helped her relax during the bommings 

Cloud gives you advice on what tifa likes out of random as he supports you too

You promise cloud to take care of tifa when he’s not around 

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