When you are sick(pt3)

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-------------🤍Rufus 🤍-----------------------------------

-he takes days off of work to make sure you're ok

-Shrina could have a crisis rn and he'd be at home with you making sure you got better

-he makes sure you'd only get the best medicine

-best bed,best pillows

-he can only hope you make a speedy recovery

-he would try to convince you to take your medication before spiking your food with it

-you're gonna take it no matter what

------------🟫Barret 🟫------------------------------

-he loves you but... he's staying 6ft away from you

-same with Marlene

-he's not taking his chances not in the slums no sir

-conditions may not be great down there but he does try to get you some medication for your illness

-and you better take them because good medicine is not cheap

-100% makes you take them no questions asked

--------🟥 Tifa 🟥------------------

-she's so worried for you I'm shocked she has not gained any gray hairs


-she skips work to take care of you at the same time she takes extra work to make sure she has the money for the medications

-don't worry tho cloud is here to help out

-that just means you get double scolded for being sick

-tifa is very observant if you end up not taking the medication so she would slip it in your food or drink

-she does feel guilty but... anything to make sure you're better ❤️

----------------🖤Nero 🖤----------------------------------



-tbh probably doesn't know what exactly to do so you might have to tell him what to get

-I don't think he's completely terrible in the kitchen so he might try to make some soup for you

-he does lace the soup in your medication not because you don't like it. It's so the soup can work more effectively

-your ailment does hinder his work after all and he needs to keep a clear mind and focus on the mission whatever that mission is

-----------🛳️Cid 🚢------------------------


-his mildly annoyed by you being sick but not heartless

-he takes time off his project to cook and clean so you have some room to breath

-cid actually might make a air purifier to help with any nasal conjunction you may have

-you are taking your medicine no if ands or buts

-he will shove it down if he has to

-cid dose want you to get better by any means so just take your meds mk


-laughs at your weak immune system then proceeds to help you

-she'll buy your needed medication or use whatever deepground uses for there Medical AID

-she dose hope you fight your ailment it pains her to see you so pitiful

-Rosso is not so cruel to force feed you your meds but she will use underhanded tactics to make you take your medication

-unlike most people in this list, she would be most obvious about it

-but this comes with some care about your well being 

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