first kiss (part 1)

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(A/N: this is going to be the people who haven't kissed you yet so Weiss and reno will be executed)


Who pulled the first move: cloud

How: he wanted to surprise you. At the time it was your birthday and as he gave you his present he gave you a kiss 


Who pulled the first move: sephiroth 

How: you were up late doing work and you were both mentally and physically draining. Sephiroth saw this and simply went up to you and gave you a simple kiss on the lips reminding you to go to bed.


Who pulled the first move: you 

How: genesis had a bad day which soiled his mood and was cranky all day. You didn't know what but you had to do something. You tried asking him but he would just shuffle away making you give up about finding the problem. Then out of desperation and tiredness you pulled his face towards you and gave him a kiss then a comforting hug. He was upset that someone made him drop his loveless book and now the pages are all wet and soggy.


Who pulled the first move: Angeal 

Shinra has been keeping everyone busy both SOLDER and turks a like. This brings more stress upon yourself and Angeal. Although you've been able to keep pace with work,  Angeal keeps suggesting you to take brakes but you refuse. He's been nagging you about a brake for a hour but your stubbornness prevailed. After a little while you were so involved in your work you forgotten that Angeal came back from his mission but this gave him the opportunity to go up behind you give you a small kiss on the lips and asking you out for a lunch brake. You went with him on a well deserved break. 

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