Weiss catch up

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-How did you meet(some time before crisis core):

You were taking your usual hiking route, nothing special. Something to keep your blood pumping or just bored out of your mind so you felt like you should be more attuned with nature. Although you're as carefree as you can be, you were a victim of the copies that attacked near your home in the sector 5 slums so you had to be cautious as there might be more around those woods. Your suspicions were correct but the person was wrong. You heard a piercing scream and so you headed to that location and hid in the bushes as you saw a group of people wearing odd uniforms. You thought they were first class SOLDIERS but they were wearing different uniforms. This made you think you discovered a new but secret part of shinra that nobody knows yet. One stood out to you. It was a man with white hair with two blades on his back. He ordered the lady with red hair covered in blood to kill him so she did. Although you didn't flinch you knew you had to get out. You looked around yourself and found a wallet presumably the same one the guy had. You threw it to a tree catching their attention. As they head to the tree you made a run for it. You ran but you avoided the path you took to get there as they would most likely check the path for tracks. Although you were hidden you were not safe until you are far from this area. From above you spotted a silhouette of a man with a bone looking wing who was about to skydive you but you doge grabbed a stick and ran. Then you were tackled by the lady in red but before she could end you. You used the dirt below to stun her and the stick to wack her head causing her to bleed and you back to mad sprint running. You almost made it to the end with a few scars until the white haired man stepped out and blocked your path and pointed his blade at you. Which was enough time for the rest to catch up with you and the rose haired lady came behind and placed a blade on her neck about to slice it “You gave quite a chase but i'm afraid this game will have to end. Any last words little rabbit” she said “wait” the white one said as he came up and had a good look at you “well keep her”he concluded. The lady cringed and looked at you like you were a pile of filth “is there a problem Rosso”he asked sinisterly “no sir” she said as she lets me go “is she like our pet now” the black one asked as he he tugs on your arm and pulls you upfront “I suppose”he replied walking the opposite direction will all of you following behind. 

-what your friendship was like 

I don’t know if you can even call it a friendship 

You two kinda insult the ever loving god out of each other

The best time of entertainment at that time just you two roasting each other  

For the most part you’re just there but you are not in anyone’s way though 

You having to deal with his arrogant attitude and he has to deal with your sharp and quick witty personality 

Although you don’t speak much he accepts it though

Honestly the fact that you still live even if your like the ONLY person who makes comments and speak your mind about his attitude and rudeness 

Rosso ends up accepting you after you cussed out weiss the other day and lived 

Azul calls you (Y/N) the brave

You and Shelke are like best friends and somehow can communicate without words 

You make weiss confused as your the one think he hates but he couldn't seem to hate you 

Nero likes you just because weiss likes you 

Who confessed: weiss

Weiss sat there on his throne with a confused and frustrating look as he just stared at you. You were observing Shelke doing one of her web jumps as it fascinates you. “You’ve been eyeing her for awhile. Something on your mind” Nero asked as he walked next to him. Weiss stays silent  “I heard around the staff she has admirers” Rosso said which got his attention “I believe I heard that as well. Then again she’s gained popularity as she would be the first person ,besides us, to live beside you”Nero said “I did not need to be reminded” Weiss grumbled. You happened to look behind you to see him drilling holes into you so you assumed something did not exactly go his way. “He’s been looking at you for 10 minutes and 30 seconds,”shelke said “he’s weird sometimes. Well all of you are”you replied as you leaned on the wall. A deepground soldier came over to you and start a friendly conversation over different procedures as he was new. “See she’s quite popular,” Rosso added, using the sight to her advantage. Nero,knowing where this is going, nods. Weiss clenched the arm of his chair which signals Rosso and Nero to take their leave. You were going to go to your room and Weiss took the chance to follow you from behind. You were in a pretty empty hallway assuming it’s just you. Weiss took this opportunity to slam you against the wall anc took capture of your lips. You obviously squirmed but slowly you gave in as you ran out of oxygen. He releases you from the kiss making you gasp hard for air “you seemed to enjoy that”he said as he holds you waist to prevent you from slipping to the floor “if you liked me you could have just said so ”you huffed “what would be the fun in that” he replied as he lets go of you and drops you to the floor. He continues to walk away “best not to forget what happened here”he said as he disappears from your sight. “What have i gotten myself into”.

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