how you meet (part 4)

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yuffie(during crisis core)

You’re the youngest person at soldier enrolling in the course at the age of 8.dispite you cold and distant personality you’re pretty beloved at the place as EVERYONE, Yes even  sephiroth , treats you like your there child. You don’t mind this but you secretly wish everyone will treat you like the soldier you are.  Back to the present, you and zack were sent onto wutai territory for a mission . while zack is busy with something you infiltrated the base there. You felt someone behind you so you turned around and pulled out your weapon at the suspect. To both or your shock you’re the same age. The girl you saw in front of you was a wutai member but you felt drawn to her. ”Ummmm… hi” she spoke nervously as she sways around slightly. Ever in the dark her cheeks glow red. You can’t help but blush too. Your awkward moment was interrupted by your phone vibrating. You put your weapon down and answered the text from zack. As you’re about to leave the wuti girl grabbed your arm “I’M YUFFIE” she screeched with a red face. You typed down your name on your phone and showed it to her “Y/N eh. Well i hope i can see you again “ she said then she hands you a random scarf and runs off. Confused, you wrapped the scarf around your neck. It smelled like rosemary and lavender so you can tell someone just washed that which made you sigh in relief that it wasn't filthy “oh (Nickname) there you are” zack said braking you out of your thoughts “oh cool where did you get that scarff” he asked. You blushed and zack automatically caught wind of it “ohhhh so you finally found someone special eh” he teased you blushed more and sinked into your new scarf “awww my little (sister/brother) is growing up. But don’t let angeal or sephiroth know or they will have a fit” zack jokes “not tell me about what” a voice spoke from behind . zack tuned to see angeal and jumped slightly. As they were talking you slowly get lost in your own mind “what a odd girl”.

 Aerith (sometimes during crisis core)

Your family abandoned you at a young age because of your abilities and your appearance. You're human but you look like a deer in your true form. Your feet are replied with black hoofs . Your fingertips are black and the more towards your arm it returns to your (skin color). You had floppy deer ears and a button black nose. Your hand (white or black) freckles across your face and has cute droopy eyes. You looked adorable to someone, a monster to others. You just happened to stumble in a church while running away from some people who were out to hurt you so you need a safe space. You hide in a corner and stay quiet. Then a girl with a cute white dress came in  and happened to see you in the corner. She sees your fearful face so she bends down to you level “hey i’m aerith.. No need to be afraid “ she spoke in a hushed tone “you can come out. No one's gonna hurt you” she persuades. You comply and stand up and walk more into the sun. she stood in awe of your majestic form. She stands up and grabs your large black hands “who are you” she asked looking up to meet your droopy(favorite color)  eyes which glowed brightly “i’m…..(Y/N)” you spoke your voice was a bit raspy for not speaking for a while. Aerith smiles “you’re so pretty” she replies. You sway your long tail lightly, happy that someone makes you feel with such serenity. That was shortly lived as you heard footsteps. You shift into your smaller more humanoid from and hide back in the shadows. A man with shades came in and asked Aerith if she’s seen a thing that fits your description. Aerith said that she didn't see it and just got here . the man, who you find out was rude, took that and left. After a while Aerith declares it’s safe to leave and she takes your hand and takes you to her house. 

Jessie (during FF7)

You happened to be a worker at reactor 5 during the bombing. As you evacuate the building you manage to spot a brunet girl who was stuck under a rock. In secret you went back and helped her escape though the tunnels. As you were in there you were met with a sword “heyheyhey guys there cool” the girl defends as you put her down. The rest of the people were a bit sceptical but they swallow their pride and let you tag along. “I’m Jessie by the way” she said “(Y/N).. quecendently enough i was just about to quit that job” you replied “really why” jessie asked “well i was hoping maybe if i quit it would help the earth a little” you explained. “Really. Your not pulling my leg are you” she asked “no i started looking into what mako is and us draining it like a slushy doesn't really sit with me” you answered “FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE GETS IT” barrett yells in excitement. You chuckled lightly and twirled a strand of white hair “whoh how did you get that”  wedge asked “oh me and my brother both have white hair but he has more than I do” you explained “oh where’s your brother now” briggs asked. You looked down “ well I don’t know. He went missing and hasn't contacted me since his last mission” you replied “He’s a soldier” cloud asked. You nod. You guys made it to the end and you were about to go your separate ways you heard someone calling your name “hey (Y/N) do you think we can hang out sometime” she asked. You thought for a moment and nod and walked away “I’LL SEE YOU AT SEVEN HEAVEN TOMORROW” she yelled out through the chaos. At least there’s something to look forward to for tomorrow.

Rude(between crisis core and FF7)

You're a sophisticated and successful person. Despite your cold exterior you’re truly a person with compassion. You're known for your independence and can take care of yourself but due to an incident a few months ago. Keep in mind you're a leader of a successful business that could even rival Shinra so everyone and their mom knows about you. You happened to be in your office as some copies crashed through your window in an attempt to kidnap you. If it weren't for a turks who happened to be in the area you wouldn't have lost an arm. Sadly he left the building before you got his name. All you knew is that he had some shades. To present day you got a phone call from president Shinra about the situation and as a gift they gave you a personal bodyguard. Though your parents died when you were younger president Shinra was the closest thing to a fatherly figure. Sort Of but non the less he gave you a bodyguard because he simply fears for your safety. You mumbled a quick thanks and you just hung up. As you were typing documents you got a call from the front office “Mrs.(L/N) someone is here for you” she said “bring them up” you replied. After a couple minutes someone came though your glass doors. You looked up from your computer to see a man with a pair of shades. you recognized him as he stands a few feet in front of your desk. As much you wanted to hug him and thank him you stand up and hold your hand out “(Y/N),(L/N) i believe we met before” you said “You’re the girl who was in this building who was fighting the copies right” he asked and shook your hand “Yes but i never got your name” you replied “Rude. nice to formally meet you” he said, giving a small smile. You nod “well. I don’t have anything planned and if you want you can relax or do your missions if you have any” you explained. He shrugged and sat down on the couch. The rest of the day was filled with silence and the small tapping of the keyboard. 

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