what happens when they're jealous(part2)

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-lets start off with the most rational person in this part

- he actually aspects this to happen and knows how to deal with the situation

- lf a person is flirting with you he'll calmly tell them your taken

-if it's a creep he'll politely tell them to screw off and belittle them, just a little

-he wouldn't make any irrational decisions


-His method would be similar to Angeal but he wouldn't draw his sword

-he kinda figured this would happen so he'll try to handle the situation the best he can

- if someone is flirting with you he'll become clingy and pretend he just wanted to give you affection

- if it's a creep, he'll carry you away while saying "they're taken"

- he'll ask if your ok afterwards

Kadaj yazoo and Loz


-do you really hate life so much


- honestly you have to warn the person not to flirt or be a creep especially to you because you have three crazy boyfriends who will not hesitate to kill them slowly and hang their body on a pitchfork

- they are indiscriminate and will make it clear as day

- don't even look at your directions if you have lustful or romantic intentions

-the flirt better be thanking god because you can manage to convince them to give them a warning


-he would lowkey get sad if someone was flirting with you

- it would make him insecure inside but it doesn't mean he wouldn't make an attempt to do something

- honestly he'll asked you if you two can leave and hopefully never deal with this again

-if it's a creep he'll be more direct, like wrapping his arms around you protectively, and very heavily suggested to leave.


-who possessed you to have the intention of having death following you

-who hurt you as a child

-why would even try

-ok jokes aside, similar to Kadaj yazoo and Loz ,murder is his first and only option

- bruh they're lucky to breath in your general direction

-but sometimes would low-key join the flirting before ending the person's life like a whole uno reverse card

-just saying his blades are rated E for everyone 

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