First kiss (part 4)

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Who pulled the first move: you

You guys went out for a lunch break after some hard needed training. You had (your favorite food) while yuffie had some ice cream or something. Yuffie noticed you had something on your cheeks and she pointed it out to you.her mouth was stuffed with the treat she got so she couldn't really say anything but you ended up taking the opportunity and kissed her lips. She almost choked on her food 

Aerith (the most simplistic)

Who pulled the first move: aerith
She simply asked for a kiss. You assume that she meant her cheeks but before you could get her cheeks she made you kiss her lips instead 


Who pulled the first move: you
You were over her place and were chilling with her girl group as they spilled some gossip. You were in the kitchen, preparing snacks and beverages. You happen to overhear them talking about you and jessie and how you two haven't kissed yet. This popped a Idea in your head. You were bringing snacks and setting them down and after that you kissed jessie's lips and saw yourself out. You weren't a fan of people


Who pulled the first move: rude
You and rude were eating at a restaurant, nothing fancy, you guys were just on brake. Then rude suddenly gets called for a mission. After alerting you he gave you a kiss and asked you to wish him luck.

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