Feelings about menstral cycle(part 4)

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(A/N:apologise for the wait....again. thank you for your patiants here's is now the final part :))


-out of all the ladies she's probably not as equip or ready

-your cycles would be in sync in all honesty

-when you're on your cycles she would groan as she knows that she'll be joining your misery soon

-despite the situation, she'll do her best to help

-she'll even go to her female friends to see what could help you farther

-she hates to see you experience cramps and absolutely can't stand if you're the type of person to have mood swings for it's the one think about your cycle she doesn't know what to do about

-when her cycle comes around she would definitely become couch potatoes with you


-she would be very neutral about it and probably the most adaptive and equipped

-as a women herself she would have everything needed for this time of the month

-really good at adapting to your needs don't matter if you're moody or not

-your cycles intertwine sometimes but not often

-when it does happen Aerith would be clingy and i feel like she would be most active(like going outside and take a walk or something)


-she'd probably get her cycle before you so it gives you a heads up

-it's supper rare for your cycles to intertwine

-when you're on your cycle alone jessies is the sweetest

-she'll make sure you're comfortable and well fed around those times

-heat blankets? No problem she has them

-snacks? Top shelf

-like most of the girls she's well equipped


-like Tseng, he's very much indifferent as he knows it's gonna happen soon

-unlike tseng he prepares 1-2 months in advance.

-he mentaly prepared himself for what mood swings you're gonna offer

-he literally looked up what girls want when they're on the cycle

-he wasn't over prepared but not internally underprepared either


-she has everything in the bag

-she's calm and collective to handle if you have mood swings

-being a female herself she already has a type advantage in dealing with cycles

-out of all the ladies she's least likely to have her cycle during or around the same time as yours

-she's the best as securing your material needs more then physical needs as she isn't the best person to seek comfort with


-he says he's got this

-even if you tell him that you could help in getting the necessary materials you'd need he'll just shake his head

-he'll tell you to just rest while he becomes your errand boy and fetch everything you'll need

-imma be honest he's never been confused in his life

-being raised by a single mother probably helped him gain some sort of understanding

About cycles but... i don't think he's ever been shopping for period products with his mom

-he wouldn't ask for assistance unless he's pressed for time aka he dosen't want to keep you waiting

-he can handle getting you comfort foods, give you cuddles,even your mood swing if you have any.But, if needed but cycle products is where he's lost. 

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