Nero catch-up

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-how did you meet(some time after crisis core)

You were a waitress at the honey bee inn and you were just heading out as your shift is over. You like to go alone though some of the more darker areas due to your light sensitivity. You were heading in the direction in your darker routes then you saw dark particles which were darker then the area. Nevertheless you venture deeper as you can still see through the darker areas. Then you bumped into someone . you look up to see a man in black with a weird straight jacket "oh sorry i was just going home"you explained but as you explained the man fainted and the particles were gone and the rute became lighter. Knowing you can leave a dead man you used whatever was left of your strength and dragged/carried him to your house. He stayed like that after you treated him. One day you were doing your londey and as you were washing his clothes you felt a cold barrel of a gun from behind your head "oh you're awake"you said calmly as you turned to the man "i was just washing your clothes so you can give me a moment" you add as you went back to hand washing the blood off his clothes "why is it so dark"he asked "I don't like the light. It hurts my eyes so I prefer the night shift and I sleep during the day. Most of my life revolves in darkness"  you replied as he slowly puts his gun away "I'll take my clothes as soon as they're done" he said as he stares at you "what is your name" you asked. He stood silent "....Nero" he replied finally "I'm (Y/N) but if you want you can call me (N/N)" you replied as you hand him his mask and clothes. He changed back into his clothes and left out that very day.

-what your friendship was like 

He actually came back and your house became his private quiet place

You both stay in darkness in silence most of the time

He tells you about his work because you asked

He would NEVER tell his brother about you as he despises humans and would most likely to end you on the spot

You kinda became a secretive friend that nobody knows about

You are impressed by his abilities and sometimes when it's not dark enough you asked him to use his darkness abilities 

Although you despise light you occasionally watch shows/anime together 

You do rant and use him as a personal vent and he surprisingly is ok with it

He finds it amusing when you rant on your favorite things and would personally like your light moodyess than his brothers 

You make him feel more human and like a normal person which is weird to him 

You helped him to be more adapted in things that are darker than his own abilities(AKA: you helped him gain better night vision)

His brother,weiss, and the other Tsviets grew suspicious of his mini disappearances 

Who confessed: Nero

Today was one of Nero's off days so he decided to go to your place. It was 5pm and the sun was going down so you've decided to make some (favorite treat). As you were cooking a shadow loomed over you and you knew it was Nero "what are you making" he asked "(favorite treat) do you want some" you asked and he shook his head as he leaned forward wrapping his arms around your waist loosely. He never had acted like this around you so it caught you off guard but you went with it. He moved out your way when you were done with making you treat. But when you head to sit on the couch, you end up getting pushed down and pinned by Nero. "what are you doing"you asked "I don't know. what are you doin to me"he asked "what do you mean"you replied As you stared at his maskless face "why does my heart race when i'm around. Why do I want to be with you, around you..... This is your fault" he concluded as he tightens his grip on your wrist "you cared for me when I did not ask. You were there always in my mind. You have to pay the price for this"he said as he leans down and placed his head next to your shoulder "You'll be mine and aid me in harnessing these feelings.....i want you to hold me and never let go"he said as he slides his arms around your waist as some form of a hug. You smiled and ran your hands across his hair "ok".

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