Zach oneshot request

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Warning: fluff and it's short

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Warning: fluff and it's short

Bad days happen to the best of us and it just happened to be your turn. Whatever went wrong...went wrong. Now you're sitting in your room,in your blankets,depressed. While in your feelings, you heard a knock on your door. You didn't answer "Hello,S/o.... Are you alright" Zack asked from behind your door. Answer or not, he enters the door to see your gloomy figure. "I heard that you had a rough day so... I got you something" he said as he showed his bag/s with you (Prefered comfort item). Zack sits down next to you and gently rubs your back for comfort "wanna talk about it". You try to form the words to describe a tad about your day but tears and muffled sobs only come out. Like a tidal wave of pin up emotions washed out in salty tears and choked sobs. "Hey hey hey, it's ok." Zack said as he wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in a hug as you sob on his chest. Zack cups your face underneath your blanket hood,lifting your face to meet his

"Hey, things may look hard right now but I know you can do it! You can do anything if you put your mind into it so don't be sad that things don't look that way now. You are an incredible person so don't let others tell you otherwise.If you can't believe it yourself then believe this for me Ok. this will come to pass and you'll become a stronger person because of it and let me say You're doing great" Zack stated as he plants kisses on your eyes, drying away tears "Now how about we watch that movie/show/anime you were talking about so much there might be a new episode. If not, we can just rewatch it! I don't care how long it takes as longs as i get a smile out of you" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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