confections (part 3[FINALLY done])

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(A/NI had to copy and paste from my Google docs to wattpad on my phone because of my technical issues but I'll get better. Btw most are short because i didn't know what to do😅)

Rufus Shinra 

Who confessed:Rufus 

Today you had to do overtime. Things have been looking busy around the shop as Valentine's was just around the corner. couples are coming in left and right. As much as couples come this is also around the time where a bunch of pervs show up and frankly you don’t wanna deal with that today nor at all but unfortunately you had to. As you served and tried to get an order from a table full of these jocks your boss called out to you. You smiled and headed to your boss’s office “your free for  today” she said. ‘Oh say less’ you though as you zoomed out of the office. Finally some fresh air away from the nevertheless crowded cafe. Now the problem is what to do. As you ponder on the idea you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned to see Rufus holding a small rose in hand and offered it to you “Oh you shouldn't have” you said as you accepted the rose. Although you were over the moon at this point you can’t help but to think about this situation. “ hey i thought you’d be busy this week. You told me yourself around this time you would be buried in your office. What gives” you asked. He shrugged and took your hand “Well It’s because I'm always buried in my office. I decided to push back my work date to next week to spend time with a dear friend. I hope you don’t mind” he replied. You wanna say something but words just don’t exist anymore so you accepted it. You guys went window shopping and bought a couple things for yourselves. Night falls and it is time for you to go home. Rufus walks you home but before you two could say your goodbyes he grabs you on the wrist . you tilt your head in confusion as he holds your hand and kisses it “Although it seems to be late to say this... I love you but do you return the same feelings” he asked as he holds the back of your hand close to his mouth. Your eyes widened, surprised about his boldness. You nod frosusly and smile.  He pulls you into a tight hug. It was comforting and warm against the breeze. You looked into his eyes and fell into a trance. You loved everything about him and this moment as he leans to kiss you. You closed your eyes waiting for your lips to collide but the kiss was soon interrupted by the vibrations of  his phone. He sighed ,almost knowing what the call was about ,and he lets go of you. He gave you a small peck on the cheek and leaned to your ear “Meet me at my office at the same time. I wish to finish what i’ve started” he spoke before he left leaving you in a  blushing mess.


Who confessed:you 

You were coming back from your errands and just in time to see barret about to leave to bomb the reactor. He was far ahead of you and proceeded to the station. You have no idea why but you grew tired of hiding your true feeling about him and so you dropped your bags and proseed to sprint to the station “Barret!” you yelled out he turned in confusion “slow down women” he said as he held onto your shoulders “I can’t let you do this” you said “I have to, the plan is set and tonight is the night” he replied sternly “But what if you don’t come back. The only man I've learned to love in years” you confessed. You two stood in silence. He grabs on you hands and gives them a little squesses “I'll come back, I promise” Barret said. You nod and pulled him into a hug “make sure you take care of our little girl” he concludes before leaving. 


Who confessed: you 

This took a lot of encouragement to do but you decided to confess to Tifa. You even got a flower from Aerith to do this. 
You made your way to seven heaven with the flower in hand repeating your lines over and over. You made it to seven heaven. Tifa was there cleaning the counters and seemed very busy. You sighed and walked up to her “oh (Y/N) perfect timing. I need your help. Can you sweep the floor” Tifa asked “Umm sure” you replied and you put the flower on the table. You began sweeping and kinda forgot about why you came here in the first place. As you were sweeping, Tifa ended up discovering the flower you brought in. Now your back was turned and was completely oblivious about the moment. Tifa grabbed the flower, taped your shoulder to get your attention, and presented you the very flower that you were to give to her “i believe this is yours”Tifa said. You delicly grabbed the flower then you held it out for her “actually it’s for you” you replied and she was taken back “I don’t  have all the words to explain it but I like you. Alot” you said although your heart was racing. She hugged you as a form of acceptance which you returned. After you finished sweeping you were about to leave but,as you left the door you trip and fall on your face. First day you have a girlfriend and already embarrass yourself. You would never hear the end of it from yuffie who was watching from the shadows the whole time. 

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