how you meet (part 2)

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Tseng(between crisis core and FF7)

You happened to be Aerith's older sister and you looked after her when your mom died. But not many people know that. In comparison you two don’t look alike at all but it’s probably just genetics. Back to present day you’re left alone in the church humming (your favorite song) as you tend the flowers but then you hear a sound. You turned to see nothing. You went back to the flowers but you stopped singing. As you carefully listen to the world around you you heard a creak of the old flooring. You automatically turned around from your spot and threw a (random throwing weapon of your choice) “you have good aim” a voice spoke. You smiled “thank you. You’re not so good at being quite” you replied he chuckles “ Tsung, from Turks” he introduces as he walks out of the shadows “so you’re those people who have been spying on my sister and I” you replied “indeed. I’ll love to chat but i have to go.i’m very busy as of late” he spoke as he was about to leave. You notice a small cut on his head. You grabbed his arm and tugged on it hard enough for him to turn around. He looked at you with a confused expression . you placed your hand on the cut and healed it “thank you” he said then he was going to leave again “Hey promise you'll come back” you called out. He turns and nods “Ok then it’s a date” you concluded as you ran out before him. Your sister was very confused on why you came out so giggly that evening. 

Zack( before FF7)

You’re best friends with tifa and your bond grew closer after the attack in Nibelheim so you knew about sephiroth. One day you decided to go out in the outskirts of midgar and you saw a dying man on the ground with a blond one next to him. You automatically rushed over and used your healing materia to help him heal his injuries. With the help of the blondie, who you found out his name is Cloud, you two him back to seven heaven where he can be feather treated. After a few hours he wakes up and looks at you “an angel…” he mumbled “you’re not dead i saved you at the nick of time” you replied “Thanks a lot” he answered “ i must repay you somehow” he mumbled as he sits up. You helped him since he was still hurting “how about when i get better we go on a date” he suggested “oh there’s no need to do that” you replied “i insist. You saved my life pretty angel lady” he replied as he grabbed your hands as he looked at you with his pretty blue mako infused eyes. You sighed and smile “fine’ you replied . he pumped his fist in the air but automatically regretted it as the pain kicked in “when you get better” you concluded as you left the room.

Kadaj, yazoo,and loz(during Advent children)[i have watched part of the movie but i’ll try my best]

How did you end up in this situation. You're just a random person who made friends with a man named Cloud and Vincent and were walking around town and then three people showed up and started a battle yelling over their mother’s whereabouts. Naturally you saw the bs you go away from the bs. It works 99.9n present. This would be the example of the .1 percent as a guy named yazoo rolled up his bike blocking you exit way trapping you. He pulled out his gun in front of your face “woah there buddy i'm just a random person. I have nothing to do with it so you can just put the gun down “ you said as you slowly pushed the gun down but he brings it up to your face again “ and he puts it back up great. Sooo ummm…… imma just run” you said as you ran to a tight alleyway and bolted. you ‘re very far away from the fight scene at this point. Huffing and puffing then you heard a gun shoot past your ear. You cuss out loud and try to make a run again but you end up twisting your ankle. You hissed in pain. You heard footsteps towards you as you’re backing up in the corner. You start to breath heavily and due to stress and fear you passed out. What a day.

Vincent valentine(between FF7 and advent children)

You’re a worker at a place called seven heaven. You have a tendency to be a bit clumsy but your bartending skills and your knowledge of the culinary arts makes you an expert drink maker. But you have a tendency to be soft spoken but people loved your kind persona . people loved you.. Maybe too much. You were done with your shift and you are walking home.Dumb idea number 1. You heard footsteps behind you but thought nothing of it. Dumb idea number 2. You walked in an alleyway hoping to lose those footsteps. Dumb step numer 3. You turned around to see a couple men behind you as they looked at you with malicious intent. You ran like hell. Crossing corners going through crowds heck you even did parkour over buildings and they still were chasing you. You managed to find an abandoned building to hide in. so you ran down stairs and hid in one of the coffins unaware of the other person with you. The coffin swinged open and they pulled you out but were only met with a gun to their head. You felt the person behind you rise up from the coffin and wrapped his free arm around your protectively. Seeing as the man wouldn't let go of your arm he shot a warning shot passed his ear causing every guy to scream and run in every direction like rats. You turned to look at the man “are you ok” he asked. His voice was parched and dry as if he hasn't spoken in years but was still attractive. You nod and hugged him. You two stayed like that as you were scared of leaving out the mansion after that. He sighed and allowed it and you both went to sleep. 

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