Feelings about menstrual cycle(Part 3)

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(I'm back from the dead)


-there's two ways i see this

-path number one is where he calls off from work just to spend time and comfort you

-path two is that he orders everything you need and make some turk deliver it to you and then report back to him

-regardless he would feel pity for you especially if you have really bad side affects to your period

-probably get you a heating blanket 


-I feel like he knows what to do

-he might have to deal with when marleen gets older so he came extra prepared

-probably ask jessie for help if not her the tifa

- 100% doesn't know how to deal with mood swings

-probably just leaves the room slightly frustrated

-also best comforter


-one of the best people to go to for comfort during this time of month

-as a women herself, probably has everything you need in stok so all you need to do is rest ok

-would check up on you periodically to make sure you're ok

-it's very rare to have your cycles at the same time


-absolutely clueless

-probably thought about threatening a women to help you ngl

-you'll have to guide him throughout the whole point of a cycle.

-I think after the 2nd or 3rd cycle he'll get the hang of it.

-he'd wouldn't feel embarrassed at all to get you products

-But he has to be sneaky about it

-comfort is not bad. It could be better tho


-has no time for your mood swings

-i leget see a whole argument happening

-probably took him a muninet to realize you're on your cycle

-he's not so mean not to help you but like he would say give him a warning first

-he'll be a lot nicer and shout less

-but he's not gonna go get you your cycle product unless another female is there with him

------------Rosso the crimson(New)------------------------------------

-ok i think she'd actually enjoy your time on your cycle

-you're painful expression makes her smile a little

-but sense she's your girlfriend she is obligated to help you

-she'd get you whatever you need and want sense you entertain her so much

-she's a good comforter if she wanted

-if you have mood swings she would just give you a weapon so you two could fight the mood swings away

-you won't die, she loves you too much to kill you, but you'd probably end up with a few minor stitches.

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