who's the best cuddler(part 4)

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-there's two ways this'll go down

-one: she would be pretty chill about it on the outside but is pretty nervous in the inside

-two:nervous on the outside and nervous on the inside

-give her a few cuddling sessions and she would grow a little bit comfortable

-i feel like you guys would be tangled together while facing each other

-cuddling automatically leads to sleeping



-her cuddling skills are almost identical to zach's

-garentie matching PJ's

-occasionally you guys would cuddle in the flower garden

-she's very adaptable when it comes to cuddling position

-she makes you feel safe and comfortable

-overall: 80/10


-more of a bed then couch cuddler

-definitely would want to be the big spoon or just have her arms around you

-she would be slightly nervous the first time but she gradually gets more comfortable

-would ask you about your day and would also vent about her day

-definitely would cuddle like a koala



-couch cuddler

-probably wouldn't have

-i feel like yall would watch a movie/show or go to sleep when you guys are cuddling

-he likes spooning or have you on top when cuddling

-he's pretty average in a good way

-i also feel like he would like to cuddle you in a bath



-definitely would be confused on what to do

-probably stick with spooning as it's the easiest and the most comfortable for her

-but most or majority of the time she would prefer having your backs towards each other while holding hands

-she's very lowkey and chill about cuddling but also probably wouldn't care for it too much

-overall: 5/10

-------Evan Townshend-------------------------------------------

-honestly would be a bit awkward about it

-probably would prefer to have you close to his chest while you lay on his arm while he has a arm around you

-would try to be romantic

-would be open to cuddling whenever you need it

-mostly wouldn't be a couch person


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