how they get your attention (part 3 and 4)

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-part 3


 you work in a cafe he would just go there take a seat and just stare at you until you ask what’s wrong or what do you need. When you are not at work he’ll most likely just ask you what you're doing or take you somewhere.  I don’t see him doing this often but at the same time he would.


I don’t see him as some sort of attention seeker but if he was he would just surprise you with random things to be a part of his affection like gifts or carry when he greets you. Sometimes he asks Marlene to help him out.


She would just ask you to do some things for her and would join you to have some bonding time. If you both are not working she would ask you if you want to hang out then proceeds to spend the whole day with you.


He just needs to turn on the light in the other room and due to your light sensitivity you can visibly see the room getting lighter. If you do end up asking why or who turns on the lights he would answer along the lines of “I need your assistance”. 

-part 4


I feel like she would definitely try to get your attention by trying to impress you and this would happen even if she doesn't need your attention and there’s a 90% chance she would fail because of how nervous she’ll get around you and you have a readless expression and she couldn't tell if your impress or not. 


I feel like her methods are similar to tifa but i think it would be more of dragging you around to places she likes or places that both of you haven't been before. I don’t think this will happen a lot as its mostly just you aerith and her mom


Similar to yuffie she would try to impress you by showing her new gadgets or a new skill she most likely got from one of her roommates. 


He’ll probably bribe or encourage you to take a break from work so you guys can go to a cafe or go for a walk around to get fresh air from the office. This helps you sense running a company can be stressful 

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