what your friendship was like (part 2)

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You two end up going on that date anyways 

You two are like the definition of opposites

You’ll defend the ever loving crap out of him 

Seriously you almost decked a dude for slandering on Tsung for being a turks 

You taught him a thing or two about animals as you know more about animals like how aerith knows alot about flowers 

You taught him to be more relax to release stress from work 

Aerith teases you about your relationship with him and reno dose the same

You got to know reno and rude and they’re practically your brothers 


Lots of “dates” but you considered them as hangouts 

For my jojo fans hanging out with him is like hanging out with joseph and jonathan combined 

Gets really excited when he sees you and almost always go for a hug 

Vary protective over you especially when you go home at night 

Although he doesn't intend to get hurt but he enjoys when you take care of him 

You definitely get on him about that but he’s just happy your lectures aren't like Angeal 

A LOT of people mistake you two as a couple.

Kadaj,Yazoo,and Loz

Key word: CHAOS 

Non of you there are stable and the most sane person there would be you 

Somehow you made them stop looking for their mother for some reason.

Loz basically is tied to the hip with you 

Yazoo flirts and teases you without mercy 

Kadja like to tourcher you either by chasing you with a sword or just toys with you in general


You are not allowed outside as they all fear that you might escape 

They may tourcher you but they provide some valuable entertainment

You mostly have to fend for yourself and if you want food or get some food you’ll have to get one of them to come with you 

They all have there merciful moments but not many 

Just be lucky you have your own room

Surprisingly they aren't messy people but they mostly order you to clean and cook if they ask you to 

After awhile they all warm up to you and become a bit nicer 

Vincent valentine 

The DEFINITION of the opposite aesthetic

He kinda just hang around in your shadow...literally 

 He loves your kindness and your cooking

Your innocent and covers your ears when some drunk person says a dirty joke 

You moved in with vincent because you don’t want him to be lonely 

You’re like the mouthpiece of the relationship 

He tells you about his past and comfort him and made sure he’s comfortable 

You bought him a bed so he can switch between his coffin and his bed

Sometimes you made him feel like he doesnt deserve you but you go out of his way to make sure he’s loved and taken care of

Tifa and Aerith loves your wholesomeness and gives you ideas for vincent

You celebrate his birthday and you managed to throw a birthday party which made him smile 

Does his best to support you on you bad days  

He lets you have his cape and sense you loved it so much he bought you a custom made cape to rome around in 

You bought a matching outfit with it. 

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