Feelings about menstrual cycle(pt 1)

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(thank you @PenelopeJ101  for requesting the next headcanon)


-ok so i feel like he'll be accustomed to this topic by the fact he was raised by a single mother for the majority of his life

-if you were the type of person who has mood swings on there cycles then he would give you space unless you need him

-if you need him to get products to help though this period then he would

-Tifa or Aerith has to come with tho


-probably just as equally as calm and collected as Cloud

-mood swings? No problem for him

-he's a Turks he's most likely dealt with many bipolar people

-Food? Already on it's way

-period/menstrual products?

-......ok he'll kinda be embarrassed

-someone has to go with him. Preferably a female co-worker like Cissnei or Elena


-most likely to give you space or avoid you

-he doesn't know what to do at all

-he's not so cold to leave you for the whole duration of your cycle

-if you need him just call or text

-he's ok with getting cycle products on his own

-just tell him what to get and he'll get it for you

-if you had mood swings will definitely surprise him but he wouldn't be too bothered with them

-he'll just be confused but he'll be as understanding as possible


-would know what to do when you're on your cycle

-i feel like he'll already have everything you need before you even ask

-would go over the top to make you comfortable

-blankets,pillows,food of your choice,cuddling. He's got you covered

-heck if you had mood swing he'll be adaptive to your desires

-he can be very comforting when he wants to


-would know what to do..to a extent

-he's covered when it come to things like products and making sure your comfortable

-he wouldn't know what to do if you're the type of person who has mood swings

-don't worry he'll make it work

-even if he gets a few things wrong he'll make it work

-but i do feel like he'll read the description of every single product to see what would more benefit you


-like Angeal would know what to do to a extent

-he would take time off of work to take care of you

-if you have bad cramps he'll be the one to treat them and help you get though

-i feel like he would make a attempt to distract you so you won't be focus on the cramps

-he'll be understanding and get you everything you need without hesitation 

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