What nickname would they use for there S/o(part 3 and 4)

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-something simplistic but sweet

-love or my love something like that


-Honey, Honeybun, sweetheart



-something sweet but meaningful

-like cloud would hesitate when calling you by a nickname


-starlight ,darling, love, queen/king, princess

-short yet a little romantic.with some nocturnal theme


-if it's not insults or curse words then probably darlin'

*Pt 4*



-something goofy and would make her less nervous or uncomfortable saying


-probably some random flower that matches with your personality

-no matter how complex sounding the flower is

-if it's not a flower then probably sweetie


-showstar, hot shot, my hero, cutie

-something nice but kinda flirtatious


-baby, lil badie, babe,

-mostlikely would nickname you something basic and not so over the top


-also not so over the top but most likely wouldn't give you a nickname at all

-she would search up nicknames on the internet but wouldn't bother giving you one

-if you ask her to call you by a certain name then she would call you by that but wouldn't give you a nickname herself 

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