Who's the best cuddler(Part 2)

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-also a mood setter type of cuddler

-most likely prefers to have you in his arm as some from of comfort

-depending how busy he is,majority of the time you guys do couch cuddles

-i honestly think he's a good cuddler but can't cuddle you 24/7 or when you want it

-cuddling moments are 95% on his time

-overall score 5/10



-he has enough muscle mass and height to be a body pillow

-he always makes time to cuddle you even when he's busy

-if you want a mood set he'll set a mood for you

-the type of person who'll buy matching pj to cuddle you with

-there's without a doubt overall score: 100/10

--------------Kadaj, yazoo,loz-------------------------

-they get a bonus for having the ability to do a cuddle pile

-i feel like non of them have no clue where to begin cuddling

-i also feel like they'll fight about who can cuddle you first

-kadaj is the one who's least interested in cuddling

-if he does cuddle you he'll prefer to have you guys facing each other

-yazoo is neutral about cuddling and wouldn't care what position as long as you're comfortable

-if he had to choose a favorite or preferred it would be where he's on his back and you're resting on his chest having one arm wrapped around you

-Loz is a big cuddle bug but also doesn't care about position as long as you're in his arms

-he gets a bonus for being a overgrown marshmello

-due to his size he'll prefer if you're on top of his chest having both arms around you body

-he'll use you like a teddy bear

-overall score: kadaj:3/10 Yazoo:5/10 Loz:10/10


-he probably doesn't beat the King of cuddling but he's sure can be the prince

-before you guys could cuddle the goblet he has on needs to be removed unless you want to be scratch

-he's always available if you want cuddles

-best comfort buddy on god

-he may be a bit on the lean side but he makes up for his comfortability

-he'll make you feel safe and secure in his arms

-he puts your needs over his

-bonus for natural mood

-plus cuddling time=nap time

-overall: 99/10


-doesn't care about cuddling at all

-you'll have to beg him to cuddle with you

-when he dose cuddle with you it's out of possessiveness or annoyance

-usually you both end up asleep after a few minutes

-not as intimate as all the others in the category

-i feel like he'd prefer you to face each other while you lay on his arm while he has another wrapped across from you

-he's a beef cake so he gets a bonus


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