Dating them included (part 4)

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Trying to show off

Yuffie will try to impress you almost all the time even though she doesn't need to. Although it not as often as when you guys first date but she wouldn't pass the chance of showing you a new combo move


Although Yuffie doesn't do as much training as you do, you both spar together and gives Yuffie the opportunity to show you some new tricks or practice combo moves with you 

snack trips 

Both of you are still young at heart so you do go out to get something to snack on or a treat like icecream 


Yuffie has motion sickness which makes traveling limited in terms of transportation. You can ride chocobos or a car but airships are almost out of the question. She'll go on one for you though.



Aerith dose get occasional check ups by Turks who don't even know you existed so she's constantly hiding you. She fears that they'll take you away and she wouldn't get to see you again. 


Both of you have a pretty good connection with nature and just have a green thumb. You guys spend your time outside within the garden taking care of the plants or just chill outside 


You're more of the listener in this relationship. Aerith will tell you everything that's going on good or bad and you would become her personal diary

Volunteer work 

Both of you like giving back to your community so you often do charity work like giving flowers to the shelters or just regular task for people.


Random house visits 

Jessie would occasionally but randomly knock on your front door just to hang out. You also do the same but it wouldn't be more considered surprise visits.

Dealing with the fact  your sephiroth's twin

Although jessie doesn't care about it but you do have to deal with some issues because of it for example one day you decide to go to seven heaven as your natural self but when you did cloud almost killed you even though you didn't have a scratch on you.(top 10 reasons you can never go outside with hair die or contacts)

Adding when they can

It goes both way as you two would try to help each other the best you can. You do more of the helping but jessie tries her best to do the same

Homemade dinners

You're not materialist and same with jessie and because of this dates are more homey. Some examples would be chilling on the sofa watching a movie or making cookies during holidays.


Max protection

Rude, although layed back, values you're safely and makes sure he's by your side as much as he can

A low key relationship

The only reason why people know you're together is because you both say you're together. Your relationship isn't the most romantic but it's more casual then anything 

Minimalistic dates

60% of your dates consists of cafe runs or stay home dates with a box of pizza. You both rarely go out to fancy restaurants and mostly stay home on weekends.

Reno is the third wheel

Reno occasionally goes with rude to visit your office as he had nothing better to do but every time he just ends up being a third wheel.

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