when you are sick (pt2)

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⬛Tseng ⬛

-I don't think he would even has much of a option of taking off of work for you but if he could he would

-he know some good medical facilities and places where you'll be treated nicely and get the things you need to make a full recovery

-He would make you take the prescription required and if you refuse he'll scold you and try to bribe you to take it

-as a last resort he'll make you take your medicine

🐶Zack 🐶

-cheer you up every step of the way

-he wants you to still be positive that this cold is only temporary

-he'll make sure you take your medicine if needed

-he wouldn't force you or use underhanded methods to get you to take your meds

-he would do some begging if you're being stubborn and would not take the medicine that's supposed to help you

-zack would get sick right after you get sick

🙄Kadaj 😏yazoo,and 😀loz

-do they even know what there doing

-ok they kinda know what they're doing but probably not in the way you would want it exactly

-yazoo would be going by the book on how to treat the your sickness and do a decently good job

-loz would search your ailment online(probably on bing or good ole google) and managed to see a completely different illness which has the same symptoms you're dealing with so no he thinks you're dying

-kadaj would also look online or/and in books and trying his best to ignore loz ranting that you might die and now he's pissed for he now has that thought in the back of his mind.

-once the crossfire of confusion and false diginosing they gave up and search for big brother cloud for help

-don't be stubborn to take your medicine because, Kadaj especially,they will with no hesitation shove the meds down your throat

-with kadaj, if you end up choking will blame it on you

⚰️Vincent ⚰️

-definitely would be highly concern for you

-not to say he'll panic but your alone time would be limited as he would check up on you constantly with brakes to allow you to rest

-your not allowed to leave your bed

-taking your medicine is a must and he would drug your food with medicine in secret if you're being stubborn

-your health is most important and refuses to see you at your worst

⬜Weiss ⬜

-he wouldn't be too much involved in your road to recovery

-he would ban you from leaving your room though

-none shall see you at your weakest unless they're a trained professional doctor

-he'll do his best to provided "comfort" but the best you would get is him asking if the staff injured you in anyway

-he would do everything in his power to build your immunity after you're cured from your sickness though so you wouldn't succumb to the cold again 

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