What nickname would they use for there S/o(part 1 and 2)

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(part 1)


-lowkey would be a bit unimaginative when it comes to giving his S/o a nickname

- you'll most likely have to tell him what you want to be called by

-if you want to be called by your middle name he would call you by your middle name

-he would make his own nickname but he didn't want to make it awkward between you two


-anything that rolls off the tongue with him

-babe,sweet-cheeks,darling,love,babes,baby(girl/boy/person),hot stuff, cutie

-not even a dictionary can cover all the nicknames he gave you

-maybe on a few occasions he would call you some goofy or outlandish nicknames but he would stick to a few common but more favorable classics


-lowkey be on the more romantic side

-his favorite nickname to call you would be darling

-it's a simplistic but very romantic

-would call you darling just to tease you majority of the time


-anything with a romantic feel

-darling, angel, My love. Something like that


-fairly simplistic like babe

-if he's feeling like putting more of a effort he would call you his angel or just angel 

(Part 2)


-Honey, darling, or love

-probably be romantic about it at the same time professional


-100% would say something cute like honey

-why do i feel like he would call you superstar

---------Kadaj yazoo and loz--------

-lowkey probably wouldn't even thought of one

-Yazoo would most likely ask if you want a nickname

-if so Loz would be the first to give you one,idk maybe like bumblebee or something

-he'll be teased by it by kadaj later


-lowkey would be nervous to even say a name other than your own

-he would call you love once

-once he gets comfortable he'll probably say darling as well


-mostlikey something which makes him feel dominant over you

-he doesn't care for nicknames but he would call you baby(boy/girl/person)

-that or something degrading, take it as you will.

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