First kiss(part 2)

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Who pulled the first move: you did

You planned out EVERYTHING. You knew today was the day you'll have your first kiss with him and make it memorable. Step 1: figuring out his schedule for the week. You asked tseng when's the next time he's free where he explains he has this weekend off. Step 2: place finding. You're not the richest person in the world but you're creativity skills are off the charts so you managed to set up the date at (random place). Step 3: asking him out. Although you would do it in step one. You ended up asking him out as the last and final step. The date was set on a Friday at 5 pm and ended at 6 pm just in time the sun would set that day. Finally the date came and both of you had a blast at (random place). Tseng wanted to take a picture of the both of you in front of the sunset and luckily some passerby offered to take a picture. As you were in position to take a quick picture, you turned to Tseng, grabbed him by the cheeks and gave him a kiss. The person gave back the phone to reveal the perfect picture of your first kiss together.


Who pulled the first move: zack

You were on your period/man period. You weren't really moody you just didn't want to be bothered with. Unfortunately zack didn't get the memo and bluntly assumed that you were having a bad day. Zack decided to get your (favorite snack) and (favorite drink) to make you feel better. You were working at the moment just wiping the counters and zack randomly bursted in and present you the items. You smile and accept the gift giving him a smile. Before he could say anything his phone ring and was called for a mission. He honestly wanted to spend time with you. Knowing the limited time he gave you a short kiss on the lips and runs off leaving a permitted smile on your face. 

Kadaj yazoo and loz

Who pulled the first move: yazoo

You and loz were laying on the couch watching a (movie/show/anime) that you liked. It happens within that (movie/show/anime) you simp for (character name/names).lucky for you (he/she/they) just happened to grace the screen with there presents and you were simping hard. "I swear (character name) is just the best" you mumbled unknowingly to you yazoo was walking by the couch and when he saw you sitting there  he leaned over and gave you a kiss then leaving as if nothing happened. Stunned you tried to regain focus on the TV but kadaj , being a bit jelly, grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and pulled you in for a rough but passionate kiss and huffing off where yazoo was. "I'm… going to bed " you mumbled "can i come with you" loz asked. You looked dead at him "please" he said "fine" you replied giving in. He smiles and gave you a peck on the cheek as he carried you off to your room to sleep. As yazoo and kadaj were duking it out outside 


Who pulled the first move: both of you. 

You wanted to do the pocky challenge with Vincent so you personally went to the store and bought (favorite flavor) pockys. Now you just need to find Vincent. This task was relatively easy. If he wasn't out helping cloud or Reeve. He's mostly in his bed or in the coffin. Luckily for you you found him on the bed. He was just staring at the ceiling until you walked in. "What's in the bag" he asked as you pulled out the pocky box "lets play a game" you offered as you hopped on the bed and sat on his leg. You pulled out a pocky and smiled "the goal is to eat more of the stick then the opponent" you explain the rules although there was a little lie as the goal for you was to kiss him. You put one of the pookie stick in your mouth and scooted a bit closer so he could have a bite at the other end. The game begins as you both chew down the stick. As you came close to the edge you were surprised when he moved forward giving you a passionate kiss. You got distracted and taking too much time to possess it to even care if Vincent ate the last part of the stick giving him the win. Before you even let out a word , Vincent light pulls you to his chest and lays down and eventually falls asleep feeling satisfied

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